Monday, July 22, 2024

1st Music video from North Korea: It is kind of lame

I wrote about this seven years ago.  It is just as cringe.  As much as I would like a lame music video to solve all the world’s problems, this won’t make a difference.  As much as I hate Trump, he did make some leeway with North Korea.  However, I still wench every time I see the NK FunForLouis videos.  They are propaganda, even if he doesn't know it.  It is tricky to do a propaganda series for a pretty horrible state.  

Can, there be peace between South and North Korea?  I want to believe so, but it will all end in blood and fire.  

Anyway, FunForLouis is still going on with his channel, and more power to him.  Does he regret his visit to NK? 

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