Monday, March 03, 2025

Michelle Trachtenberg and Dawn

Strangely enough, I was researching Buffy’s sister, played by Michelle Trachtenberg.  I told a younger person that they made one of the best meta-retcons in history.  For four seasons, Buffy was an only child.  Then, in the fifth season, she suddenly had a younger sister and everyone around her believed she always had the younger sister.  To them, Dawn Summers was always there.  There was a reason why “glitch” happened.  It is a clever story arc and a statement on early TV and the changing of established continuity.  Dawn Summers is the reverse of the Family Matters show, disappearing the sister without a trace.

Sadly, the youngest cast member, Michelle Trachtenberg, passed away a few days ago.  There are still answers that need to happen before I can say what she died of, really. She did have a liver transplant before her death.  While I didn’t watch much of Buffy, I remember her in Euro Trip.  

By the way, Michelle accused Joss Whedon of doing some not-so-great things to her, allegedly. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Donna Adelson, court appearance

There comes a point in your life when you have to give it up.  Donna is a woman who is only interested in keeping her family together.  However, it was because of her actions behind the murder of Dan Markel that her family is scattered across the US.  All this to keep her daughter in Miami.   

She has one son who will never talk to her again.  She has another son who will spend the rest of his life in prison.  Her daughter ran to Austin, Texas, to never speak to her again.  The children, she conspired with her son to get forever, will never see her again.  She has destroyed her family and will not take responsibility for it.  

Keep in mind, that it took her only a week to attempt to run away from the US to Vietnam with a one-way ticket.  Of course, she got caught at the airport.  She has spent the last year and a few months in jail.  Now, she is doing everything to escape jail and await her trial.  While she might get out, a 20% chance.  It is not likely because it is Florida.  

Now, she is double-downing on her son’s extortion lie. 

Was it worth it, Donna? Was it worth ruining everyone's lives to gain access to your grandkids? 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Hulk Hogan more crap

Hulk can never take his past deeds at face value.  I knew Hogan was going to blame the booing on Trump and not all the shitty things he did in the for nearly 40 years. He always wanted to put himself forward in every aspect of pop culture, such as his lying about Elvis Presley.  The man is devotional, and I hope his “former” Scientologist wife takes him for all his money.  Heck, he lives in Clearwater too.  Who else has an HQ in Clearwater?  Hulk, go all into the Study Tech.  I am begging you.  

The video below has a rather amusing reaction to Hulk getting booed by the famous Undertaker.  The Undertaker had an early match with Hulk.  Hulk faked an injury with the Undertaker.  He looked back at the film and noticed that he never hurt Hogan.  That meant Hogan was playing a political game.  I love that Undertaker is eating this up.  

Monday, February 03, 2025

Webster and that Star Trek TNG crossover no one wanted (Part 2 of 2)


As I stated before, Webster, the show, was running out of steam.  It was the turn of the decade and newer and edgier shows were coming in thanks to the 90s.  ABC and Paramount weren’t interested in renewing an older series.  Plus, the two leading adult actors were tired at this point.  Syndication was a major cash-making thing during the 80s.  When you had a full season's worth of episodes, you made more money despite it being canceled.

Anyway, they did this crossover with TNG as the cost-saving scheme for Webster.  At this point, Webster was canned, and they just needed to round the series up with a clip show.  You don’t have to pay the two other main cast members and just walk over to the already established TNG set filmed next door.  I also get a kick out of the fact that Star Trek V was also being filmed next to that set.  I don't think Shanter would have Webster on his set.

From watching TNG my whole life, this Webster episode was not written by the TNG staff.  Other than providing the stock footage, extras, actors, and stage, there wasn’t much input from the Trek crew.  Given the problems with the second season, I have to wonder if the TNG producers would have permitted this “crossover”? Plus, Worf is way out of character from his main series counterpart. Worf spent most of his life around humans, he knows what fun is, Webster.

At work, someone asked why Picard was not in this episode. He’d probably give Webster a Picard speech and send him back to the late 80s.  I find it amusing that no one else from the main crew showed up to investigate this annoying kid appearing on the bridge of the Enterprise.   He should be put in the brig for wearing that Cosby sweater. Perhaps, he was a Q or something.

Micheal Dorn probably filmed his TNG scenes and then was asked to do some quick pickup and wraparound shots with Webster.  They threw in established TNG extras to fill in for the main cast and gave some of them lines too.  

Extra Lorine Mendell had a couple of lines.  Mendell was the stunning redhead you always saw in the TNG background.  She was in nearly 60 episodes and in one TNG movie.  Lorine turned out to have a very successful life outside the 24th century.  Lorine, I’d love to give you a short interview about this Webster episode.  Just hit me up in the comment section. 

Two of the other extras have passed away.  Dexter Clay, the tall black guy, was a stand-in and extra for the first two seasons of TNG.  He was everywhere in the background.  Even I noticed he disappeared after the second season.  He even spoke in an episode called A Matter of Honor!.  He passed away in 2017.  Wiki says he left during the third season, but IMDB says S2.  

James G. Becker is the clean-cut white dude who was always in the background.  He was both a stand-in for Frakes and an extra.  The cast and crew called him Ensign Youngblood as a joke, and it sort of stuck.  The fans know him as Youngblood.  Becker would leave Hollywood and become an insurance agent.  I’d freak out if he was my agent.  He passed away from a car accident in 2014. 

It is just crazy that no one from TNG ever talks about this episode.  I can’t even find Michael Dorn talking about this crossover anywhere.  Why is that?  This is a forgotten Trek crossover that no one even knows about but a few people on the web. 


Saturday, January 25, 2025

Webster and that Star Trek TNG crossover no one wanted (Part 1 of 2)

What does a clone of another sitcom and Star Trek TNG’s season have in common?  Worf.  Worf didn’t just show up in DS9, but also in an often-overlooked sitcom called Webster.  Sit back and enjoy the show.  

Webster is an interesting, if stupid, TV show.  I always viewed it as the knockoff of Different Strokes.  To coin a phrase from Clerks II, Websters is the GoBots of Different Strokes Transformers.  The original idea for the show was so supposed to be based on the lives of Alex Karras and Susan Clark, a married couple.  The concept was about a meat-and-potatoes retired football player marrying a rich and well-educated woman.  This was supposed to show nothing more and nothing else.  The title of the show was called Another Ballgame.  

A little, if annoying, kid named Emmanuel Lewis caught the attention of network execs.  They shoehorned Lewis into the premise of Another Ballgame and the show mutated into Then Came You, which kept as the theme song.  It was a slightly less developed Different Strokes, a cheap knockoff.  Karras and Clark were okay with this change, not realizing it was a Trojan Horse.  You see, the show quickly changed from being about the parents and focused on the kid instead.  

Side note:  I liked Gary Coleman growing up as Arnold better.  He had a bit of a more street edge to him.  However, Emmanuel became a better person after his show was canceled.  From what I can tell, Lewis was a nicer and better person than old bitter Coleman.  I thank Lewis was thankful for his time as an actor.  

Anyway, the married couple, who owned the production company, got into many clashes with the studio, writers, and the network.  Lewis saw much of this BTS fighting.  It caused some major problems.  Interestingly enough, things were smoothed out later on as the show went on.  

Another side note: Emmanuel Lewis got one fact about his show’s origin wrong in a podcast.  He said there was only one other version of the show before it was renamed Webster.  He was wrong, it was called Another Ballgame.  I am wondering if he put that fact back in his mind because of all the pain he put himself in due to the adults fighting on set?  

As the show progressed, the rating took a nosedive and the network and studio decided to end the show.  But why spend money on new sets, actors, and lighting?  Why not make it a gloried clip show?  

And, so enters Star Trek The Next Generation.  Lewis and the cast would see the TNG crew walk by in the outfits.  I am also certain they saw some of the actors sneaking onto their set and stealing food from their food table.  I am not making this up.  TNG, during season 1 didn’t always have money to pay for craft service tables.  Worf, Data, and Riker would have to sneak into other studios to get some food.  

Can you imagine Worf, Troi, and Picard walking around your set?  

Now, let’s get into the story of Webster’s final episode and Star Trek’s strangest crossover. 

Oh, boy...

Monday, January 20, 2025

Where in the world is Darrell Brooks?

Darrell Brooks has been moved out of state and the prison system kept it secret.  No one knows where he is located for security concerns.   

Something tells me he has never gone to Gen-Pop.  He would have been killed instantly.  Like Charlie Adelson, he probably has a price on his head.  He’s done too many things that all prisoners hate.  He pretended to be a member of the Bloods in his music video.  That’s a big no-no.  He is also a long-term child predator and is on the RSO for that.  That is a major strike and can get him killed.  He also is a known child murderer.  One of the victims he killed was a child, which he ran over with his SUV.  

I am surprised he is still alive, like Chris Watts and Charlie Adelson.  Brooks is on borrowed time and won’t be alive in a couple of years.  The Bloods, Latin Kings, and Crips are looking to end his life. His location will get leaked.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Story of Hulk Hogan And The GEORGE FOREMAN GRILL

Remember, Hogan wants to inject himself into everything and every story. This is one of my favorite Hogan stories.

The lore behind George Forman and Hulk Hogan is an interesting and fun story.  Many believe that the grill company offered the product to Hulk Hogan first.  He tells the story over and over again.  Hogan has different versions of the story. 

From what everyone says, Hogan’s story is complete bullshit.  Hogan was jealous of the fame Forman was getting with the grill and wanted to insert himself in the marketing lore.  According to Hogan, the world revolves around him.  

Hogan would grift into a knockoff grill called the Hulk Hogan Ultimate Grill.  In their ad, they even show the Forman Grill to bash it and say Hogan’s Grill is better.  Nope.  

You better believe he didn’t use his grill.  He probably just used the Forman Grill, which was sold to another company and made Forman even more money.  

Hulk’s grill was so “ultimate” that they burned down houses.  They were too hot to sell, literally.  So, yeah, Hulk Hogan’s grill turned heel and burned down your crib.  

Like many projects, Hogan grew disinterested and abandoned the grill.  The best part is his official grill site is now a Thai gaming site, still using the URL of Hogan’s Grill.  Why?  I don’t see the connection to gambling and gaming and a knockoff of the Forman Grill. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Hulk Hogan Being Booed

So, why did CA boo Hulk Hogan?  

There are numerous reasons for a crowd to boo the orange man.  Despite helping bring down the evil Gawker, Hogan has done some horrible things to too many people.  His support for Trump doesn't help, but that is not the whole reason.  I could write an entire book about all the misdeeds the former NWO leader caused in his long career.  

Keep in mind, that I looked up to Hogan as a child.  I watched the Hogan vs. Andre the Giant match.  I even liked his heel turn during WCW.  As news started to leak about the guy, I realized that he was a shallow old man who wanted to protect his ego and legacy at all costs.  That even meant stealing other wrestlers' thunder.  

Hogan has done a lot of shit, and it was summed up with that boo session on Raw.  Does he deserve it?  You betcha.  

I might do a few posts discussing some of his bullshit over the years.  Or I may not.  Who knows? 

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Charlie Adelson's baby mother got busted.

Charlie has a lot entire stable of stupid women that he would run up in and drop.  He’d even cheat on them at the same time.  Charlie worked, played, and banged hard.  That would have been fine, but he decided to pay for a hired hit on his former brother-in-law.  After ten years and two hours, the jury found him guilty of murder.  Given he is in Florida, life in prison means life in prison.  

Rumor has it, Charlie has pissed off some dangerous people in prison.  In his defense, he tried to blame the Latin Kings for extorting him.  One of the big rules in crime organizations is that you don’t put a false crime on an organization if they did not do it.  Charlie did.  So, now, he is sitting in prison in South Dakota.  

During those ten years and numerous random women he slept with, he knocked up a woman.  Her name is Bri and she was basically “the help”.  So, he knocked up “the help”.  He also used her as a spy to look into his sister’s life.  

Anyway, Charlie’s baby mama got arrested for DUI.  Like baby daddy, like baby momma.  She was arrested by a North Carolina state trooper.  Charlie is in the Dokotdas and she is closer to me near KY.  She “blew” a 0.16.  I checked Google AI and this came up for .16.  

Friday, January 03, 2025

Mia malkova Update two

So, yeah, I did a little bit of digging and it looks like that was her mother in that sex scene.  Yes, you heard me correctly, Mia had a BJ scene in front of her real-life mother.  The same woman, claiming to be her mother, in that “audition” video also did an interview with Mia, her daughter.  She even goes further and says she’s seen all of Mia’s videos.  Okay.  

When you see them side by side, they look like mother and daughter.  Mia has made some conflicting stories on how she got into the jizz bizz.  However, I think the scene with her mother was probably her first, or at least one of her earliest.  Rumor has it, her mother was uneasy about the “job” and escorted her to the audition.  Later, Mia admitted her mother got paid as an extra! 

This is so messed up. 

Anyway, this was one of the biggest mysteries and arguments in my comment section.  So, it is interesting to finally clear this up.  So, did Mia’s mother pass away?  Not sure.  

Mia Malkova and that scene with her mother...

I recently received a comment in an old update about Mia Malkova.  

((Anonymous said...

Mia im sorry to hear you lost your mom !!! Stay strong this is jim am always here for you if you need anything just call me ! Or just come over i am happy to help you any way i can))

BTW, this sounds like someone from the industry leaving this comment and wanting to get in touch with her. I wonder if Mia read my old posts about her.

Since I can’t be bothered getting a Twitter account, I can’t see her recent tweets to see if her mother passed away.  If we can get a confirmation on this, it would solve one of the biggest mysteries on the Internet.  

The best thing about Mia, other than her shapely booty, is her bright smile.  That has always made her stand out from the other adult stars.  She was just plain cute with that winning smile.  

Given my blog is nearly 20 years old, I’ve been nostalgic for some of my older blog posts, the ones that garnered some attention.  The old Mia and her mother got me a lot.  

So, was that her mother in that scene?  You know the scene.  She did an audition for an adult site and she “performed” in front of her alleged mother.  Also, her brother is/was in the adult industry too.  I am leaning toward this scene being with her real mother, watching her service a dude on camera.  

I want to do some more digging on two things.  One, was that her real mother in that adult scene?  Two, did her mother really pass away?  

Steer clear of Russell Greer

If Cream of Corn had a theme song, this would be it…

Man, I’ve been a low-key follower of the trainwreck that is Russell for years now.  He’s a part of this group of people who want to get famous without getting through the hard work to get there.  He wants to skip steps 1-9 and jump to 10 by getting the attention of famous singers or reality shows.  

Everything Russell writes sounds like he threw a keyboard down the stairs.  Russell removes all the soul in his music and adds this creepy “I’m watching you” vibe.  

For some reason, he is hung up on promoting his disability and people should hire him and his music due to it.  Given my medical setbacks, don’t be defined by your handicaps, rise above them, Russ.  Stop trying to sue everyone and stop creeping on women.  

There comes a point when he has to stop making the same mistakes and make some major changes in his life.  We all know he won’t do it.

“I don’t get you, Russ.”  

I have no idea why I like following this guy.  He’s like the Steven Seagal of music.  Here are some more of his other masterpieces (of shit).

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Finally An Honest Video On Julius Caesar | History Explained

I just found this guy’s channel. He combines history with humor and pop culture, reminding me of myself. After this video, I will always connect Julius Caesar to The Rock.  

“Do you smell what the Caesar is cooking?”  

Caesar is an interesting guy. He was never an emperor but a dictator for life (™). He had a great salad and haircut and was a major badass general. However, he got a bit greedy and took over the government.  

Anyway, check out this video.  

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