Sunday, December 01, 2024

Lil Xan: Who is the F' is this a-hole?

I saw this story on Reddit.  I have no idea who this Little Xan is.  I tried to listen to this mumbling meth-head wannabe “rapper”.  I can't get through a single song.  If this is what modern rap sounds like, count me out.  I hate how the rap and hip hop stars fought so hard to be seen as legit musicians and these young mumble/marble-mouth rappers just go on stage and shit this stuff off.  What happened to music?  What happened to this new music genre?  

What is up with the skinny jeans, the bad face tattoos, and the sleepy expression?  Why is this the uniform for all these mumble rappers?  

Anyway, being the piece of shit skinny white trash that he is, Xan kicked and attacked a fan at some stupid concert.  However, the security guard did slam the skinny little prick.  The police are looking for this goblin and he’s gone into hiding.  I hope I don’t have to write about this guy again.  F’ him and his style of rap.  

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