The Top Five Hate List
Once again I've found five people to hate this time around. MC usually finds some interesting folks to hate on, I generally try to pick who ever he left out. Anyway, here are my top five.
5 Khloe Kardashian: You know her. She's the least attractive Kardashian out of the litter. So she got married to some B-ball player. Other than the reality show, what has she done other than be a sister to the hotter girl that has a sex tape? Oh, she had that DUI and ended up in jail. There was a time when only real stars made headlines when they got hitched. Why does this smell like a Reality Show stunt? Can someone fall in love in a matter of weeks and then get married? I'm giving this less than a year.
4 EVERYONE involved in this brutal fight: The kid that was f'ed up (he died) in the video was an honor student. As far as I can tell, wasn't a member of any gang. Fellow black people, it is time to stop acting like this.
3 Kirk Cameron: He went out and changed the book Origin of Species (Darwin's book) sort of. He added new 50 pages. These pages are placed in the beginning to discount everything else in the Darwin book. The Special Cameron edition will be given away for free at the top 50 colleges. Doesn't that seem kind of counter productive? Most college students probably had no idea about Darwin's work, except for a limited amount of stuff in high school, and you just gave them a free book with his teachings and your 50 pages of propaganda. Won't they go on and read the rest of the book with Darwin's stuff too? Doesn't that defeat the purpose? Please, someone give Cameron a Fireproof II or another sitcom to keep him busy. (Here's an amusing rebuttal. This girl rips him apart. And, her accent is hot.)
2 The Producers of Jon and Kate Plus Eight: Uh, you just fired (not really fired) Jon from the reality show and now it is just Kate and her kids. Perhaps it is about time to pull the plug on this show. The damage the show has done to the family continues to grow. You would think Kate would stop the show, but she refuses to see that the show is destroying them. (Word has come down that Jon wants back into the family. Really?)
1 Starbucks: No, not the character from BSG, but the damn store that sells coffee. Somehow, they've convinced people that buying overpriced coffee is being 'hip'. If I see one more hipster walk around with a cup of Starbucks, I'm going to knock it out of their hands. Now, they have instant coffee. You can instantly drink terrible coffee. Instant coffee has always tasted bad. Now, it has that stupid logo.