Snuggie? Are they serious?
Make sure to read this to find out about this bizarre item.
A snuggie...
Someone at work mentioned them to me while we were having a discussion about the ShamWow guy and his battle against Scientology. He showed me a picture of this and I was perplexed as to who someone would buy this product.
Someone crazy, wild-eyed scientist created this messed up invention. “Hey, let's build sleeves into a blanket?” People no longer have to take their blankets off when they move around, now you can wear it like those Vulcan robes in Star Trek, And what the Jedi wear.
“The Blanket With Sleeves” is just silly to me, like the crock-shoes. Yet, if people are willing to buy a crystal skull full of vodka, they'll buy anything.
Bill Maher even talks about it in the video below.
Mark my words, you will see someone walk around your local Mall or Quick Mart in this stupid robe. I'm not saying you should slap them, but at least shame them.
So, let me get this straight, I need to go out and get Crystal Skull Vodka, a ShamWow, and a Snuggie?
Now, it being reported the Snuggie has sold over 4 million of these things.
Does this mean the Snuggle Bear can sue them for the name?
If you're going to sell a useless product like this, at least have Billy Mays or Venice Offer sell it for you.