Monday, May 29, 2017

Star Trek Voyager Genevieve Bujold revisited

This is kind of a revisit. I talked about this years ago in another blog post, but the VOY recasting of Janeway really intrigues me to no end. Voyager received a lot of bad press because Genevieve Bujold left the show during shooting.
For me, I think Genevieve was too frail and weak delivering her lines. It wasn't a good fit. And, supposedly they cast her without even giving her a screen test or casting test due to her famous body of work.
From Syfy Wire, ((Rick Berman told TV Guide back in 1994 about the Canadian veteran movie actress that "It was immediately obvious it was not a good fit." Then in 2006 Berman tried to share a bit more light about Bujold's departure from the series, saying: "This was a woman who, in no way, was going to be able to deal with the rigors of episodic television." ))
Allegedly, Genevieve broke down during a scene and said, “I can't do this.” The director got frustrated with her and sort of went off on her. Things got tense on the set and they called it a wrap for the day and had a meeting with her. She left the show after two days of filming. (I read this years ago and can't confirm this part of the story.)
Heck, there were rumors early on that Bujold didn't get along with the rest of the cast, but I can't confirm this.
From ((In addition, sources on the Voyager set claim Bujold was acting as much like a diva as a captain. She complained about restyling her hair and was uncomfortable with the makeup (Bujold’s spokeswoman denies this). ”People were giving her s — – about it,” says an insider. ”Add that to all the hours and she just said ‘God, let me out of this.”’ ))
 Kate Mulgrew came in and took charge of the cast and was truly a leader of the cast. For the first three years, the cast got along due to Kate bringing a sense of a mother figure to the set. Plus, she handled the thick-tech and trek lines like a true pro. Keep in mind though, Mulgrew knows her way around a TV show.

No donation under a dollar

No donation under a dollar
We know that Chris Chan needs help, but he had become a super e-begging machine. He generally does these begging videos every few days. He coaches his ill mother into make these begging videos as well and it is sickening to watch. I love the fact he has the nerve to demand people give him donations a dollar or more. When you beg, you don't have the right to dictate the terms of the amount you want.
F' you, Chris. I am tempted to give him a single penny just to piss him off.

At this point, his mother needs to be put in an old folks home. Chris Chan needs to be put in a menial home.   

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Someone clicked on the wrong link/tab.

Someone clicked on the wrong link/tab.
Look, she probably had the tab on Pornhub/X Hampster/X-video (Yes I know all those sites) and was ready to stroke it once the podcast was over. I love how her partner throws her under the bus by asking “What was that?” instead of ignoring it. I would have thrown my friend under the bus too, because I would have wonders what porn or pornstar that she was watching.
Hey, don't be shy about your porn habits. I love when women admit they watch porn too.

From a pro-porn watcher, never have your porn tabs open while streaming professorially. And have your porn bookmarks in a different folder from your other stuff.   

Bike Lock Professor arrested finally

Bike Lock Professor arrested finally
This came up in my feed. Call me shocked, but the famous Bike Lock Bandit has finally been arrested. I guess the police followed the 4chan lead and put enough together for a case. When 4chan outed him, he went on total shutdown and most of the colleges distanced themselves from him.
From said Eric Clanton was arrested in Oakland on Wednesday afternoon. There had been an outcry for his apprehension on alt-right websites after a video clip was posted on social media of the 28-year-old allegedly assaulting a pro-Trump demonstration with a bike lock. ))
Yeah, when he's not hitting people over the head with bike locks, he teaches. I'd probably take a class with a Prof that threatened me with a bock lock. I would get straight A's.
Look, I really dislike the alt-right as much as the next guy, but that doesn't give me the right to bash them over the head for no good reason. If one of them attacked me, okay I guess to defend myself. However, Clanton clearly wasn't threatened. Are we supposed to be the peaceful ones with reason and logic on our side?
His Lawyer talked to the press and all heck broke loose.

I honestly don't think much will come of this. I don't think he will spend much time in prison or jail.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Random Things

Random Things
~I still haven't gone to the movies this summer/spring movie season. I know there are a lot of major movies being released currently, but I can't bring myself to go out and watch the movies. At this point, I am so not into being around a large group of people that a thought of it sickens me. I simply have withdrawn from people completely lately that it has effected my love of watching movies. I need to get out of this mood. Maybe, it is the sleeping in too much or the depression. Not sure.
~Billy Bush talks about the “grab them by the”: Yes,Bush lost his job from a tape from ten plus years ago. Trump to the media have dumped on him. I don't like the the bro style of Billy Bush, but I almost feel sorry for this guy. It was dude talk and I have heard it up close. Heck, I've heard WOMEN talk the same exact way too. It is something people say as tasteless as it is. Bush lost his job, but Trump got hired. I loved how twisted that turns out to be. BTW, he is part of the Bush family.

~About that Manchester Bomber: There have been some things coming up about this guy. It still doesn't answer the question as to the reasons behind attacking a bunch of teenagers at a concert. Look, he was a coward and a fool, but I'd like to know the facts behind his radicalization. And the fact his brother might have been radicalized as well. It smells like the Boston bombing all over again. This attack is sickening and it further supports why I picked up atheism and agnostic views instead of religion. This act does make me want to believe in a hell just to see this attacker burning for all time.  
~Want to see a Flat Earther up close? Here you go. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Fake Homeless woman caught

Fake Homeless woman caught
Look, I generally hate being asked for money by homeless people, but even I can't stand people scamming people by pretending to be homeless. This takes the cake. 
She goes around holding a sign asking for money and then drives a new 2014 (actually it is a 2016) car. I love that she thinks the McDonald's employees truly give two shits about the issue. Lady, they don't care. And, I love that she doesn't think the whole thing through, because she really shouldn't get the cops involved.

The best part is the woman has been arrested. She was throwing things at the people that exposed her.  

Monday, May 22, 2017

Do you want cringe?

Do you want cringe?
He even threatens a lawsuit with the girl despite the fact she was just doing her job. It almost seems like a parody of a beta male, but this guy is real.
Rule 1. Don't give a stripper flowers unless she is your girlfriend. She prefers single bills, bro.

Rule 2: Follow Number 1.     

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Man Sues Woman for bad movie date.

Date from hell?
Yeah, she drove the car to the theater and he paid for the 3D ticket for Guardians of the Galaxy 2. As the movie progressed, the woman kept checking and texting on her damn phone. That does bother me. He told her to stop and she quietly dipped out and never returned. Thus, he was left at the theater without a ride.
From the Telegraph UK, ((Mr Vezmar asked Ms Cruz to stop but she refused. He suggested she step outside to use her phone, after which she left the cinema and never came back. ))
Suing for 17.31? Come on, dude. Chalk this up to “L” in your ever growing losing streak. This goes back to that pretentious man-child thing that bothers me about the younger generations. Men and women dip out on dates all the time. It is what people do. Get over it. Given what little I know about you, I am sure you've had many women dip out on you. You come across as an art-house a-hole. Probably the only way to keep a woman around is to hook up a ball and chain to her leg at this point.
The only thing that would make this better is if this guy wore a fedora to the date. I am certain he owns at least three fedoras and nothing but skinny jeans.
Anyway, he later dropped the lawsuit once the media got involved. He actually got his 17 bucks back thanks to a meet up between him and his former date due to Inside Edition. (Yes, Inside Edition is still around.)
I think these two scholars were meant for each other. I am lucky I stopped dating and going out on dates a long time ago. I really can't say I have used one of these modern dating sites. However, I have taken a date to a movie theater and been more into the movie than the date, which explains why I am still single. However, I can't stand cell phones and people texting. Actually, certain people will straight up answer their phones in the theater. I hate that a lot, but if she was texting. Just call it bad date and don't see her again. But to sue?

Friday, May 19, 2017

Random Things

Random Things

-Anthony Weiner, really?: His sexting has finally caught up with him. I watched that special about him and his campaign. He came across as arroangt prick that refuse to deal with the problem that destroyed his campaign. It was cringe-worthy. Then, there was that whole fallout with the Clinton campaign that happened recently. He truly has a problem with sexting and wanting to show his naked body. With all the women in the world, he decided to sexted a minor. Now, that has caught up to him and he is pleading guilty to the charge. Is his issues what the raincoat guys were back in the day, but with technology? What he did was wrong and he should have know better. Plus, you're married to a pretty and smart lady. Why? I still find it amusing that his name is Weiner and he wanted nothing more than to show it to everyone online. Weiner always looked like a walking and talking cock to me anyway.
-Joe Biden makes He pretty sums up the problem with the Hillary Clinton campaign. They wanted to dip their toes in the identity politics and not work on their DNC base which was the working class. Bill Clinton and Obama knew how to work on that working class, yet Clinton barely spoke to them. I hate Trump, but that is what he did right. (now he is screwing over the working class). Looking back on the race, I think Barry Sanders should have won, and I think Sanders is too left for me. Yet, he would have looked out for the working class. I hope the DNC learns for this, but it looks like they're not considering that the RNC isn't much better and falling down too. It would be nice to see the rise of a third party. 
-This happened in Louisville. I came across it on Reddit and LOL-ed. WTF? Why was she holding onto the car? Talk about high maintenance.

-Clock Boy lawsuit thrown out: I always found the clock boy story a bit shady. It seemed the parents wanted to make a quick buck other than to fight civil rights. His father had some interesting things about his past that me uneasy. Maybe the kid can become the newest Clock King or at least his underling like I wrote before. BTW, this happened way back in 2015. Damn, that feels like a long time ago in Internet terms. Perhaps Clock Boy and Balloon Boy can team up and become a super villain team.  

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Powers Booth RIP

Powers Booth RIP

From NBC News, ((Powers Boothe, the Emmy-winning character actor admired as one of Hollywood's most reliable villains, died Sunday in Los Angeles, his publicist told NBC News. He was 68.
Boothe died in his sleep of natural causes at his home, said Karen Samfilippo of Image Management Public Relations.))
He was "that guy" in movies and TV. He usually played very evil characters. He really got into the roles as a real bastard. I just finished re-watching Deadwood and I fondly remember his character on that show. He played Cy Tolliver on Deadwood. The character was a really bad person on a show with a lot of bad people.
He was on Agents of Shield playing the same character he played in the first Avengers movie. It was a nice little tip of the hat to the TV shows connecting to the movies in the Marvel universe. Like I said, I really liked Powers Booth. He was in the GOOD Wyatt Earp movie Tombstone as one of the bad guys. He played a really bad guy in the Sin City movies very similar to his Deadwood role. He's done a lot of VO work too in Video Games and DC animated things...even playing Lex Luther and Gorilla Grodd .
He will be missed.
Check out this chilling scene.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


I know I haven't been keeping up with the blog as much. I've been dealing with serious bouts of depression and anger issues surrounding certain aspects of my life. So, I've been sleeping a lot, yet I have a few posts saved on my tablet to be transferred to my cloud account. I have a review and a RIP post coning up soon. I just need to get off my depression stage and get to it. BTW, I am also working on my second “story” to submit to a magazine of collection.   
Just to cheer me up, here are some pictures of Riley Reid.  

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Can I say that I love this woman?

Can I say that I love this woman?

I love the way she handles the word C-sucker like a pro. I am sure she is a delight at home.   
Every cuss word makes this guy cry. 
Can you hear me now, B%$#?

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Pie in the face, yo (Qantus style)

Pie in the face, yo (Qantus style)
Well, it is better than a bike lock on the head.
Yes, I laughed when I watched the CEO of Qantas Airlines get pied. It is a comedy milestone. I would have finished the speech with the pie remains just for the hell of it and would have gotten kudos points. He handled it as well as he could, but I love the laughter from the crowd. BTW, the pie in the face was far better than whatever speech he had planned.
Here's where it gets a bit strange. The pie thrower (throw-ie) did it because the “spread of gay marriage” and this guy's support. I am not making this shit up. Anyone knows me knows that I support gay marriage because I think going against it is wrong and a waste of time. I honestly don't care who marries whom. The pie thrower is almost in his 70s, and the Qantas CEO will press charges.
From , ((Mr Overheu, 67, is a devout Christian and senior member of the Church of Christ and Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International.
He left a room of 500 people aghast when he strolled up to Mr Joyce and shoved a $25.95 lemon meringue pie in his face during a speech at a business breakfast at Perth's exclusive Hyatt Regency hotel.))

Give this a-hole a fine and send him on his way. But, he shouldn't in jail or prison though. He's a dick, but a pie in the face isn't assault.

Fake Netflix E-Mail

Fake Netflix E-Mail
I get a lot of spam via e-mail. It might be because my e-mail is connected to my blog, so a lot of bots just mass send to my address due to my profile. Between the boner pills and the camgirl fake messages, I got an e-mail from someone claiming to be from Netflix. It said there was suspicious activity on my account and I needed to update it in order to keep watching movies. Uh, my account still works on my tablets, sorry scammer. Do not fall for this. It is a major scam. I hate these a-holes.
I wish I could find the actual fake e-mail I received for the lulz, but I can't.

They also tend to use fake Facebook e-mails too. BTW, I still receive fake security companies telling me my computer has a breach. Really, Scammers?  

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Death of Wild Bill Hickok

The Death of Wild Bill Hickok
I've been watching Deadwood again over a few weeks. During the first season, they covered the arrival and death of Hickok. Wild Bill was a living legend of his time and people still saw him as a hero. It was like hanging out with Batman in your hometown. Just like in life, his death was a legend of sorts.
The show does a great job showing what happened just like the real accounts of the incident.
From Wiki, ((Jack McCall sat down to play. McCall lost heavily. Hickok encouraged McCall to quit the game until he could cover his losses and offered to give him money for breakfast.  ))
The kicker is that Jack McCall was from “Louisville”. In reality, he was from Jefferson County. At the time, Louisville and JC were different governments. More or less if you were from JC you were from Louisville. So, a coward that shot a living legend in the back was from Louisville...swell. I find it amusing that someone from Louisville is part of this legend.
McCall was freed by a court in Deadwood and later recaptured and put to death for the murder. (Was McCall a U of L or U of K fan?)
Anyway, the other part of this legend comes from the “dead man's hand”. From the wiki page, (( Currently, the dead man's hand is described as a two-pairpoker hand consisting of the black aces and black eights. Along with an unknown "hole" card, these were the cards reportedly held by "Old Westfolk hero, lawman and gunfighterWild Bill Hickok when he was murdered. ))
Now, there was a guy that picked up the alleged cards from the incident and kept them. (Neil Christy ) Christy's family passed down the legend until it became a pop cultural thing known as the Dead Man's Hand. It was tied into the tale of Wild Bill's murder.

The Deadwood show makes a case that the DMH was made up by a guy at the table. So, the whole card thing was a legend.  

Monday, May 08, 2017

DSP Tries to lies

DSP Tries to lies

Well, over the three or four days, DSP wanted to gt a partnership with a brand new MCN.
Here's the the issue. DSP signed with the new MCN and one of his detractor groups discovered that the new MCN is a bit shaky. Listen to to the SOK podcast because is it epic. Two of the former MCN workers come onto the SOK podcast and bash the MCN. It is very funny.
Then, all hell broke lose and a day later DSP quietly disconnected from Laveria Media. He then lied and claimed he was never connected to any MCN. Except he discussed it in TWO videos and talked about it on Twitter. Yet, there is proof he was linked to the new MCN, but he denied it.  
And, here's the best part, SOK is going to have the “CEO” of Laveria Media on tonight.

Sunday, May 07, 2017

It gets even better

Every time I think I am done with Moldylocks more things seems to rise to the surface. It came out recently that her father is a rather famous gamer. It is hard to tell because old Moldy has three or four names. I am not going to out him here. Before E-Sports, he was the one that led the “US” video game team. He was Team Captain of the U.S. National Video Game Team.

Looking back at these old school days is interesting, because I had no idea there was a “team” of gamers back in the 80s. I thought E-Sports started with the 90s, but this isn't the case. I kind of miss these old days of gaming. Make sure to read the Kotaku page for more lulz. I love the fact his name is Donn instead of Don. (And, Donn is a correct spelling, just a little strange.)
Check out the video...
Looking at his IMDB page, he is still a major part of the VG community and appears to have worked on a lot of WWE games. (some WCW too) He even showed up in an episode of Jimmy Fallon.
It just seems odd that he was a part of those old school VG memes, and his daughter is part of the new memes. I'm starting to notice a trend with successful parents having f'ed up kids like Moldylocks.
Make sure to check out the Team's uniform.  Spiffy right?  
Here's a longer video of the team. 

Thursday, May 04, 2017

Oh, no.

Do you want cringe? This gang-stalking collection is very cringe. Now, I am not saying there isn't such a thing, but clearly this person is paranoid (In my opinion). She goes out and believes everyone is out to get her, so she films them. Plus, she confronts them. I saw a post on reddit about one video and decided to watch a few of her videos. Damn, they are creepy.
I know I shouldn't be giving her channel more views due to the fact she bothers people, but it needs to be seen. Then, you will go through a whole gang-stalking rabbit hole on YT.
So, what is gang-stalking? From Urban Dictionary, ((Gang stalking is a form of community mobbing and organised stalking combined. Just like you have workplace mobbing, and online mobbing, which are both fully recognised as legitimate, this is the community form. 
Gang stalking is organised harassment at it's best. It the targeting of an individual for revenge, jealousy, sport, or to keep them quite, etc. 
It's a psychological attack that can completely destroy a persons life, while leaving little or no evidence to incriminate the perpetrators."  ))
Actually, this is actually a real thing, except not in the case of the vlogger above. Gang-stalking is used by the Church of Scientology all the time. Whenever, they have a high profile departure from the church, they use hidden members to watch and spy on the former members. They will mess with them. That is real gang-stalking, but a group of teens changing tires isn't.

My top three John Carpenter movies

So, I was listening to the Film Sack guys and they were talking aboutJohn Carpenter and his career. Given I have seen many of his movies, what were my favorite films from his long career? So, I compiled them and gave my reasons why below. Here's the kicker, he hasn't done as many films as we were led to believer. However, here are my top three.

3 Halloween: The movie has some pacing issues, but overall the first movie is still very scary. I would be scared to death of the first two movies when I was a kid. The first one still holds up. And the directing is fairly solid. Watch this movie when you don't want to think about those remakes from Rob Zombie.  Using a William Shatner mask as the Killer mask was funny and cool at the same time. 

2 The Thing  : This was a creepy movie back in the day but has held up even better now. I think every show does a “sealed off and trapped” episode where some isn't who they say they are. This grew in popularity here in this movie. I still get scared when that Thing eats that doctors hands and he bleeds out. What about that dog scene in the cage? Kurt Russell plays the main character fairly straight and he doesn't ham it up like most of his JC team-ups. I don't think even JC kept up who was the thing and who wasn't in certain scenes. Overall, just a great little “Never Trust Anyone” movie. I know realized that the Hateful Eight is similar in this fashion.

1 Big Trouble in Little China  : Minus the hairstyles, this movie feels more like a mid-90s movie than a mid-80s movie. I have seen this movie so many times that I have probably lost count. I love this movie so much. It has a lot of snark and silly lines that it seems everyone was in on the joke. I love that Jack Burton thinks he is the hero, but it is other guy that is the tough shit. Burton is the silly sidekick, but doesn't know it. There are a few issues here and there. (The prologue was an afterthought literally and serves nothing in the movie. Kim Cattrall wasn't that good) However, I loved every minute they're under the warehouse. I think this movie influenced everything from Mortal Kombat to Tekken while just being a fun kung-fu movie. I also love how easy the main villain dies. What about that floating head?

“It's all in the reflexes.” 

Monday, May 01, 2017

Fyre Festival: A flaming turd

Fyre Festival: A flaming turd
This sounded more like an episode of Lost than an event for some rich pricks.  Where was the Smoke Monster?  
I love f'' ups and this one is one of the best f' ups I've seen. Even the name “Fyre” is annoying. So, things didn't turn out the way the promotional video portrayed it. The Internet was on “fire” over this shitty event. I love when things turn out so bad that it turns into an instant meme.
The shitty food and the FEMA tents were a nice touch. Part of me enjoys that these rich assholes got screwed over in this shit-show.
-Local Government has locked down the island!: Yep, they didn't go through the proper channels and the Bahamas are pissed. From ABC News, ((The site in the Bahamas where the now-postponed Fyre Festival was to happen is on "lockdown" by the island country's government.
Private security guards were seen Saturday protecting the main site where people had been slated to sleep in luxury tents.))
-Ja-Rule: Where did they dig up this artifact of the early 2000s? I had hope we were done with this froggy-voice rapper. I remember when he was the hot shit, note the word shit, and now he's on twitter apologizing for the mess up that was the Fyre Fest. It would make since he would be involved in this mess doesn't it?
To pour salt in Ja's wound is that 50-cent made fun of his old nemesis with a Trump meme. Damn, 50-Cent.
The Food Meme was not true...kind of: TMZ is reporting that famous picture of that bread and cheese thing wasn't what they gave the guests, but it was for the employees of the event. That was a pretty shitty lunch for the staff still.
50-Cent is pretty successful and Ja-Rule is connected to this massive turd.  
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