Monday, August 12, 2024

TNG The Game: A modern day rant

Not to be confused with HHH or the Micheal Douglass movie The Game.

While on that subject, it reminds me of all the young people who are buried in the phone screen and ignore everything around them. They walk around playing mindless shitty phone games that don’t matter or not even fun. The TNG episode The Game has the entire crew staring into a VR set playing a stupid game.  Now, go to the mall and watch everyone buried in their phones.   I’ve seen couples ignore each other while they farted around their overpriced machine.  I got an old Android phone that I only use for work and research on my blog and pop culture subjects.  

An alien woman uses the game to set suggestions in the minds of the crew to control them.  The game is just a honeypot.  Star Trek was ahead of its time.

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