Monday, August 01, 2005

James's own Rules for life

I decided to post my personal rules. Keep in mind that these rules are only for case by case incidents.

Rules to live by.

1 Don’t trust people right off the bat: Never trust people when you first meet them. Let them earn your trust. Never reveal anything that will come back to haunt you later. People have their own agendas. They can and will use that against you.

2 No matter who they are, Don’t let anyone walk over you: This one is also important. There are people out there that will try to dominate you by acting and doing certain things. Don’t let them. Stand up for yourself, you’re the only that can.

3 Who cares what people think about you: You shouldn’t worry about what people think about you as a person. They should accept you for who you are. If they don’t, f’em! They aren’t in control of your life, you are.

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