Okay, K-Fed, I’m sorry I lashed out at you. I thought you were the worst musical artist, but it looks like you’re in some powerful company.
King Magazine has its 10 worst celebrity album. (There are samples in the link)
Bruce Willis: Man, who told this guy he could sing the blues. I like Willis, but the music is horrible.
Steven Seagal: When he’s not making direct to DVD movies or horrible energy drinks, he makes music…badly. Sit down and drink his energy drink, listen to his album, and watch Hard to Kill. That’s a Seagal night.
Jada Pinkett Smith: I remember seeing her ‘perform’ her rock songs on stage in some of the news reports. Then I heard she was only touring in Europe. I think she has two albums out and another one coming out. I think she is a very attractive woman, if a little crazy because of that ‘Space Church’, but her acting career hasn’t blown up like her hubby’s. Will needs to tell her she can’t sing and get back to acting. We need more black women in Hollywood, and drop that Space Church too.
Jamie-Lynn Sigler: I can’t believe some producer thought it was wise to release this album out to the population. The wretched sounds coming out of her mouth can help with population control of deer and humans. I can’t find any other use for the music. Even Sigler admits the album was bad, so I’ll cut her some slack. And, she redeemed herself with her role on "Entourage".
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