The Ghost of Future Acting Gigs: “Listen Orson Wells, I've seen the future. You will go from doing great movies like this one to doing wine ads and Portraying a transforming planet/robot that eats other planets in a movie to a popular 80's cartoon.”
Random Bunch
~Rumor are around that J-Lo and Marc Anthony are breaking up. Did anyone think it would last anyway?
~Forklift vs. SUV video: Place your bets, folks. I guess you can imagine who won this fight. I sort of feel bad for the guy in the SUV because he tried to get out of the way. I still won't cut him any slack for driving a damn SUV.
~Bromance: Why is this even on air? I know people locally from school are talking about of the guys in the show is a student here at U of L. Anyone that even uses the term Bromance should be hit over the head with big stick. And, I thought the Paris Hilton BFF show was bad.
~About Citizen Kane in the classroom, I have say yes. These kids need to see what a good film looks like and stop paying for crap like Meet the Spartans. If you haven't seen this movie, make you to rent or buy it. It is that good.
~I generally try to keep up with all the Internet fads, but this one passed me by. Loituma girl? What the heck is this mess? What does the damn scallion have to do with the damn song. Well, I went and looked it up and it seems the band that made the song found themselves building in popularity.
Taken from Wiki: ((This is basically a joke for someone who spends all of their time staring at a computer, made by people who spend all of their time staring at a computer. It's possible to read deeper meanings into it, but it sort of defeats the purpose because in the end it's just this hypnotic clip of animation.))
Isn't that pretty much everything on the net?
And you knew there was going to be a remixed Techno version for the night clubs. You some stupid hipster DJ is bumping this at their club right now.
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