Paris Hilton claims she's only 'been with a couple of guys...what?
I'm laughing. Before I go to sleep, I just have to comment about this.
((PARIS Hilton claims she's only slept with "a couple" of men.))
If couple, you mean gang bang. A couple is such a vague word. How about a baker's dozen?
Is she serious, or is this another way for her to get herself into the news. She maybe useless, but she is media savvy.
(("People make up stories, but mostly I just kiss. I think it's important to play hard to get.))
Anyone that’s seen her sex tape knows that she does more than just ‘kiss’, unless that’s what they’re calling it these days. And, I can’t believe she using the hard to get line as well. A strong knows what she wants and goes after it, and doesn’t play games, Paris.
(("If you give it up to a guy he won't respect you. He'll want you much more if he can't have you."))
Actually, a guy will lose even more respect for you when you agree to make a sex tape with him. That’s the Ace card in the card of sluts.
I don't respect her because she made 'The Hottie and the Nottie' while trying to become a singer without any singing skills. And, I don't like that the media forces her down our collective throats and shouts, “She's hot and this is the type of woman women should be like and we should be attracted to her!”
Listen, I know it sounds like I’m being hard on her, but all these statements appear scripted. It is as if some publicist wrote this up so she can change her image and come across as a Feminist.
Speaking of that...
(("I think so - I'm a strong woman who doesn't depend on a man for anything and I believe in girl power.))
First of all, she uses a 90’s term from a now disbanded pop group. Well, she didn’t use “that’s hot.”
There is so much wrong with this statement, but I’m too sleepy to even respond to it. But to call herself a Feminist Icon…
I just want her to stop making movies and disappear.
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