I’ve come to have a non-homosexual love with everything that is Google.
((Chicago (IL) - Google Drive, or Gdrive as it is better known, has to be the most anticipated Google product so far. When it arrives, Gdrive will likely cause a major paradigm shift in how we use computers and bring Google one step closer to dethroning Windows on your desktop.))
The Gdrive sounds really cool and should save people money on buying new external hard drives. They could use their own hard drives for gaming and other things. It depends on how well it handles files and how much space they’re willing to give you.
Micro-crap has its own version of this with limitations, here’s hoping Google can get pass some of the limitations. However, I’m sure Micro-Crap is probably these limitation on there for its own good and nothing else.
((Gdrive is basically a cloud-based storage that should have two faces: A desktop client that keeps local and online files and folders in two-directional sync via a web interface for accessing your desktop files anywhere and anytime, using any network-enabled computer. In addition, it will come tightly integrated with other Google services to enable editing of supported document types, like spreadsheets and presentations via Google Docs, email via Gmail, images via Picasa Web Albums, etc.))
My geek senses are getting all bothered now. I want to kiss you Google…in a non-homosexual manner of course.
We’ll have to see how all this turns up, because I’m not 100% sold on the Chrome browser yet.
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