I’m usually not into these Meme, but the one over at the Samurai Frog got my attention.
I’ll do ten of them now and finish them up later.
1. Were you named after anyone?: Yeah, my father. So, I’m technically a junior, but I never use jr. in my name, because he lives in another state, and plus I don’t get along with him that much. What kind of person has an ego big enough to name the child after their own name? How about you get creative and name your little kid something else?
2. When was the last time you cried?: When I dropped my ice cream cone on the floor last week, I started to weep. I’m tearing up just thinking about it now. Next Question!
3. What is your favorite lunch meat?: Brown sugar baked ham.
4. Do you have kids?: F’ no! I don’t plan on any. Hey, a broken condom or her skipping a few pills can change that real quickly.
5. If you were another person would you be friends with you?: Nope, I’m a moody guy that can go from being very funny and happy to being very depressed in a range of ten minutes. I spend too much ‘alone’ time to have that many friends.
6. Do you use sarcasm a lot?: Uh, anyone that reads this blog knows that. And I’m ten times worst when it comes to sarcasm in the real world.
7. Do you still have your tonsils?: Last time I checked I had em. Hold on, I don’t know where to check for my tonsils. I don’t even know what they’re used for anyway. What kind of questions are you going to ask me next, “Do you still have your armpits?”
8. Would you bungee jump?: Hell, no. I’m a black guy and black folks don’t do things like that, unless you’re Denise Rodman. Plus, I’m a big guy and big guys break things like cords.
9. What is your favorite cereal?: Captain Crunch with crunch berries.
10. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?: Nope, why do that when you’ll have to retie them when you put them back on? It’s like making up your bed every time you wake up, I just keep my bed messing all the time…with my tied shoes resting on top.
I also jump into my pants two feet at a time and I walk between the rain drops. I’m that badass.
This site is moving
TweetI’m shutting down this site. In the immediate future, you can find my
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2 years ago
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