Are these Joaquin Phoenix’s Songs?
I’m going to have side with MTV.com and say this is fake. The songs are a little rough around the edges. The actual rap verses are not that good either, even for Mr. Phoenix.
That still does not shoot down my Hoax theory with Phoenix though.
The biggest WTF moment about this whole Joaquin Phoenix thing is the fact Casey Affleck is wasting his time shooting a documentary that covers Joaquin’s rise and fall as a rapper.
Then there’s that ‘staged’ hissy fit he had when Casey Affleck was late for his performance.
((Admittedly, Joaquin came to his senses shortly after that, and “came back five minutes later and did the sound check,” as the unnamed source tells the blogger. “Nobody can tell if he is for real, or if this is all a big joke.” the same insider continues. In all fairness, the spy’s words come to join the many voices that are already saying that what Phoenix and Affleck are actually doing is a mockumentary in the manner of Sacha Baron Cohen. ))
Like I said before, this just seems like the whole think is one big hoax to see how many people they can fool into thinking this is real. This is too far out there for even Hollywood reality.
His tumbled off the stage seemed a bit fake to me
Watch the way he falls.
Defamer also calls BS on this whole thing too.
My only question is: Why is Puff Daddy involved?
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