((Ricardo Montalban, the suave leading man who was one of the first Mexican-born actors to make it big in Hollywood and who was best known for his roles as Mr. Roarke on ABC's "Fantasy Island" and the villainous Khan of the "Star Trek" franchise, died Wednesday. He was 88.))
I read about this yesterday and I’m a bit torn up about it.
Montalban was an actor most people from my generation grew up watching in some form or another. He was an actor that brought everything to every role he starred in. His bold performances would steal the show from anyone that was in the scene with him.
One of his best roles, and popular, was the role of Khan. He played the villainous role first on the old Star Trek show and then brought it to the next level in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
The scene where he stands there and looks at Chekov and Captain Terrell is just a chilling and the hardships and deaths are all shown on his face.
Before he puts those creepy creatures in their ears, he says this.
Khan: [shouts] THIS IS CETI ALPHA FIVE! Ceti Alpha Six exploded six months after we were left here. The shock shifted the orbit of this planet and everything was laid waste. 'Admiral' Kirk never bothered to check on our progress. It was only the fact of my genetically-engineered intellect that allowed us to survive. On Earth, two hundred years ago, I was a prince with power over millions...
What a great scene! And I think only Montalban could have made the scene believable.
And, Mr. Montalban showed that he didn’t always take himself seriously like when he played a villain again in the still funny comedy The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!
He would later play Armondo Guitierrez in the animated series “Freakazoid!”, which was a spoof of Khan and he’d even quote from Star Trek at random times too.
Let’s not forget his kick ass role in Fantasy Island. (Da plane, Boss. Da Plane!)
He will be missed.
Khan: He tasks me. He tasks me and I shall have him! I'll chase him 'round the moons of Nibia and 'round the Antares Maelstrom and 'round Perdition's flames before I give him up!
Terrell: "Was it called LOST?"
Khan: "No..."
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