This is from a couple of episode and it’s really good.
Riley: All I'm saying is when Xzibit brings that car back you goin' be b*tches.
Grandad: What did you call me?!
Riley: No, no I mean b*tches like you gonna have so many bitches that's what n*ggas gonna call you. No disrespect.
Huey: No disrespect? You just called your grandad "b*tches".
Riley: Yeah, but I don't mean b*tches in a desrespectful way. I mean it as a general word for women.
Huey: And your gonna let him get away with this?
Grandad: It's ok. Just this once.
Riley: Grandad, I'm just sayin' you might have to change your middle name from Jebediah to b*tches. Is all I'm tryin' say. No disrespect.
Grandad: Hmm, Grandad B*tches Freeman. Hoo, has a nice ring to it.
Huey: Don't take this the wrong way, but I need you to get the hell up out of here.Cristal: Oh. Any particular reason why?
Huey: 'Cause you a lazy ho.
Cristal: I can see that.
Hah hah, golden!
Grandad is closely becoming my fave character
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