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Spice World reviewed on the Nostalgia site
In 1998 something bad happened, Spice World was released. And, a great evil was released on this world that day.
The Nostalgia Chick talks about the horrid movie Spice World.
(I like the Spice Girls, I really do. When you look at the state of music today, this was much better.)
I’m one of those people that will watch this movie every time it comes on TV. It is a bad movie, but it’s so bad that you have to watch and laugh. There isn’t even a plot, but who cares?
Here’s the kicker, the movie made 75 million worldwide. For a ‘comedy’ that’s a nice amount of coin.
Spice World II: The Return
I’d loved to see a sequel. We can follow up with a story about the Spice Girls all hating each other in real life and becoming divas in their own right.
They all have their own subplots.
Posh Spice: Marries a big time soccer player and becomes annoying and useless. Was she not in that Highlander movie?
Scary Spice: Dates Eddie Murphy and pops out a baby,and Eddie leaves her. She shows up in a few reality shows.
Baby Spice: Well, she blogs...and she's my favorite Spice Girl. That has to count for something right?
Sporty Spice: Has a somewhat successful away from the group.
Ginger Spice: Well, uh I don't know what the hell happened to her. Uh, I don't know what else to say. Hey, what's that over there? (James disappears after distracting them.)
They must all come together, on a mission from God, and do another tour. Then break up again at the end after destroying the demon that was released because of their first movie.
Mel B was scary spice, right?
yep, Scary Spice. Her name is very fitting I think. Anyone that goes out with Eddie has to have a bit of Scary in her.
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