Harris: Tackleberry, you can’t shoot the screenwriters for the new Police Academy movie.
Random Things~It looks like Eddie Murphy isn’t too pleased with the script to Beverly Hills Cop 4. At this point, I can’t say I respect Murphy’s opinion on movies anymore. How can someone possibly believe the Pluto Nash script was any good? Murphy might have a point though, the description of the script sounds almost as bad as Part 3, the one about Wonderworld. Can we stop this movie from being made?
~Speaking of Eddie, Meet Dave is coming out on Blu-Ray? Really? Does anyone want to even bother watching this in HD? I might rent it so I can rip into it in a review though. Hell, I rented and reviewed Catwoman, and I was ashamed of renting that one. It looks there aren’t any real Special Features either. I guess no one wants to talk about this movie.
~Galactica Spinoff: The name of the show is “Caprica” I remember writing and reading about this spin off years ago. It seemed to be put on hold for a while and looked like it was never going to be released. I guess Sci-fi Channel changed their minds. This pleases me because I can’t stand the shitty horror movies they waste their time making.
~Police Academy 8: Wasn’t Police Academy Mission to Moscow enough to kill this series, it nearly killed my brother and me when we watched this piece of crap years ago. Actually, we stopped the tape and returned it back to the rental store.
Guttenberg is really pushing for this movie and another Three Men and a Baby movie. When your recent career highlight is Dancing with the Stars, I guess you would push for dead franchises. Is Short Circuit III on the way? (Don’t forget that Karate Kid remake too.)
With the Galactica spinoff, I think there were thoughts of cancelling because of the low ratings of season 3. I think season 4 so far has really revived the ratings of the show. I have my doubts on "Caprica" based on the preview I saw, but will just have to wait.
I remember mentioning putting the spinoff on the backburner. I'm with you, the concept is a little 'off'
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