I still haven't seen The King of Kong, but I heard about Billy Mitchell and his ego. Even though I heard about his ego, I didn't know he was this bad. Just watch the clip above.
Here’s Stern’s comment about King of Kong
Anyway, I can’t call this guy a loser, because he has his own hot sauce company and restaurant chain. Plus, he’s married. I do have to wonder if he know which decade he's in. That hairstyle went out back in the 80s. What's up with the Kenny Rogers beard?
I’m kind of a gamer, though I was more hardcore back in the day, and I can’t get into this like these guys do. I was more of a console gamer anyway, and I hated losing quarters because I sucked.
What is strange is that now the hardcore folks are playing on the Internet through their PCs and Consoles. You no longer go to the arcade to beat someone's score, unless it's DDR.
I do remember going to the skating ring and watching the crowds of people playing DDK and Pac Man. There were bragging rights to be made, but usually among the nerds and geeks.
Why do all these guys have strange facial and head hair? Are Showers optional?
Btw, no girl is going to go, “Hi, I heard you're good at King Kong. Here's my number.” Not going to happen.
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