That Magical Negro song…People are not happy about this.
You can check out the song here
((Republicans who are vying to lead the national party offered a mix of reactions yesterday to the decision by one candidate for the job to mail out a music CD including the song "Barack the Magic Negro."))
Man, there are some people out there that are really pissed about President-elect’s Barack Obama’s win. I still can’t believe someone thought this song was suitable. This song is just embarrassing and it shows the true hatred some have about this guy.
A true sign of hatred is when someone takes an educated man and reduces him to a stereotype. Why are there so many people that can’t get over this?
The song isn’t even funny.
And, what’s with sampling Puff the Magic Dragon? Talk about out of touch. That song was before my time, believe. Then again, remixing a Britney Spears song won’t really work.
The man that sent out the CD is a douche, but look closer at the guy. Chip Saltsman is his name.

Doesn’t he look like Glenn Quagmire from Family Guy? I think we have a winner.
This really and truly happened?
some people are just true
a$$*&^%# and they have no
redeeming qualities.
yep, I still can't believe it myself.
then there was the fact the guy thinks it was a good idea to send those cds out too
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