Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Fat Legolas tries to bow and arrow a crowd: gets owned...

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet the world's most out of shape white knight.  This fool, Brandon Mccormick decided to go full Rambo and go into the protesting going on in Utah.  Despite the fact the National Guard and the State Police were backing up the local PD, Brandon decided to pile up all his weapons into his car and go to the protest to help protect the police.  Really, dude?   
Basically, our Fat Legolas wanted to start some shit and kill some people.  Given his shape, the only thing he’s murdered is a bunch of cheeseburgers.  Here’s the thing, Brandon, the police don’t need your help.   Now, if you want to pass out some water or something... 
Anyway, he started to yell at the protesters saying. “all lives matter.”  Yeah, no shit.  Some of the bad apples in the crowd started throwing shit at his car, so he proceeded to threaten them with his knife and bow and arrow.  That didn’t go over that well and he was promptly beaten to shit.  After that, the crowd destroyed his car and took his weapons, which he brought for the PD.  Instead of going to ER, Fat Legolas walked along with the people the beat up him, bloodied and bruised, until he was able to find a local news crew to do an interview.  He lied and claimed that some black guys beat him up and pulled him out of the car.  Most people that beat him up were white people.  Utah isn’t known for its diversity, buddy.  Check the tape, mostly 20 something white people kicked your ass.   
Fat Legolas decided to do an interview with Fox and it is literally one of the worst things you’ve ever heard.  He doesn’t help his case at all.   

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