Lost: The Shape of Things to Come (spoilers) Part 1 of 2 review
Wow, now this is a way to welcome back the show after reruns. After killing off two major guests stars in the last episode, we get even more death and destruction in this episode. We even get some answers in the process of the mayhem.
This is Michael Emerson’s episode with a bit of Naveen Andrews thrown in. Emerson goes through so many emotions in the single episode that it may overload some folks. For a brief moment, we actually care about this ultimate villain. The moment involves the death of his daughter. It is such a brutal death that we almost forget all the problems he put our heroes through during the early seasons. Watch Emerson’s face when he hears the gunshot. The scene was shocking and well played.
Emerson then plays Ben in the future in the middle the Sahara Desert. He encounters two Arab men and kills one, knocking out the other one. Why did he simply appear in the middle of a desert and why is he wearing Halliwax’s coat? (The guy from the Dharma videos.) He doesn’t seem to be too worried about his situation here either.
Not only is this episode packed with some major character moments. We get to see just how ruthless these freighter people really are. They come into camp, kill three people in cold blood like it’s nothing, and then proceed to kill Ben’s daughter in front of him. I like that the writers aren’t pulling any punches this season. But, I do want to know what happened to the rest of the people that lived in the Others’ camp when the attack happened.
Plus, we see an angry Ben ‘summon’ the Smoke Monster. Boy, that was an impressive scene. However, this summoning of Smokey opens a whole assortment of problems for the series. Does this mean everyone that’s been killed by the Smoke Monster is connected to Ben’s plan? Does Ben really control the monster or was it attracted by something that Ben sent out?
Side question: Is Danielle Rousseau really dead? I hope not, but after she receives the news of her daughter’s death, she’ll probably end up even crazier.
I want Rousseau resurrected, and for her and Ben to go on a badass killing spree on the freighter.
Poor Alex.
I'd like that too. Some say she could still be alive, but it looks like she's dead.
Yeah, the Alex thing was a shocker.
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