A conservative history once told me this, “A society isn’t fully at its potential until everyone is free and able to add their unique abilities to it. A society can only move forward when everyone moves forward.”
Keith Olbermann says it right about Ferraro
At this point, I don’t care who becomes President, because no one can be worst than Bush. Anything else is better than Dick/Bush. That being said, I’m really not liking the way Clinton is handling her campaign. And, I don’t like some of the people behind her camp like Geraldine Ferraro.
What pisses me off even more are the remarks from Ferraro.
(("If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman [of any color] he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept."))
While there is a fraction of people that see this as groundbreaking, it is not the overall thing has people talking about Obama. Americans are sick of the war and sick of the current people in charge, race really doesn’t factor into this campaign. If it did, and Obama kept hammering home he is a person of color, he would have gotten far at all.
White people are voting for him.
Ferraro’s remarks sound like something coming from the other side.
To even bring up the racial issues sounds like the Clinton campaign want to make it a race issue and divide his support. I think it backfired.
If someone came up to me and said, “You’re real lucky to be in the position your in because of who you are,” I’d probably hit them. Being black hasn’t helped me open any doors. Everything I’ve done is because of my actions, hard work, and not my skin color. To read these words coming from a Democrat is just troubling and scary. Are the Clinton people that scared of Obama that they have to stoop that low?
Because, he’s black and people of all colors identify with him should show us that we’ve come a long way, and it is not an issue folks. People are willing to look past skin color and gender and vote on the issues is an appealing concept, and not because he is merely black.
Again, I don’t care who wins, anything is better than Bush.
I don't fully understand the whole race issue myself. It seems to me that race isn't much of an issue for anyone 30 or younger. Obviously there is racism out there, and I think there always will be racism in some form somewhere in the world. Everyone has a group of people they don't like, it's always been part of human nature, and I don't see it going away anytime soon. It would be nice to see, though.
p.s. nice angry Klingon Ambassador cameo
Yeah, age certainly has a lot to do with race and racial issues. people who are younger are more open and willing to be open to other cultures and interact with them than the older folks.
It is usually the older folks that make things like religion and race issues.
Yeah, the Klingon Ambassador will alway rule.
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