Matt Damon flips out, but was it fake? In the video, Matt is brought out after a long introduction and he gets bumped from the show, well Matt starts to cuss. It seems staged, but there's 10% possibility it was faked.
However, was it fake or real?
From Answers.com
((Matt Damon...
At the end of the show, on a somewhat frequent, yet not daily, basis, Jimmy thanks the guests as usual, but then adds "Our apologies to Matt Damon, we ran out of time." The joke of course being that Damon was not scheduled to appear that night. Kimmel told TMZ.com that he says this "for no good reason at all."[1] He ad-libbed it for no apparent reason.
On September 13, 2006 on a primetime special, Matt Damon appeared after a very long introduction. However, the show was about to end and was asked for next week with a foul-mouthed response. During the credits, Damon pretended to be very furious and was calling Kimmel names. It has since been stated that Damon was actually furious and told Kimmel he would not appear on any show from that point.
Is there a source? The above information may or may not be true, since there are conflicting stories from "actual audience" members.))
Jimmy was in the paper here and they asked him about it. Matt Damon wasn't scheduled the day that Jimmy said it. It was a goof on his part. And now its just a long running joke.
okay, that clears it up a bit, thanks for the info!
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