This scene is by far my favorite scene in the film. It has everything. The bullies are extra shitty by dumping the kid in the trash while destroying the restaurant. It is also funny that the customers seem to stay around the chaos and only run away when the bad guys approach them.
The best part of the scene is when Sho'nuff attempts to speak his final threat/bad guy line, but he gets distracted by the shitty music playing from the jukebox/video machine. He gets so pissed off that he tells the woman on the video to “shut up, bitch” and proceeds to kick it.
Also, take note of Sho’nuff’s shades. The shitty van they’re driving in has the same blinds/shade design. Kind of strange.
Naturally, this happened in Florida. I wonder if this would have ended differently if this old guy was black or Latino...because they did everything to say this old guy’s life. He still pulled a gun on them after trying to ram his car at their car. I am not attacking the cops, because they were very professional and did everything right. If this was in a different area, would they have given him as much slack?
I really can’t find much on this guy. It is sad to see a man of 79 years completely lose his mind and getting himself killed. I am guessing he was planning on getting himself killed that day. Someone in his family needed to get him help.
Well, that interview didn’t start out well. You’re playing with fire when dealing with certain former women from the jizz-bizz. This is one of those priceless awkward moments. This is so cringy.
Yes, Mia, people just remember you from your sports journalism, right? You are a part of our pop culture because of your past work. Don't run away from it. Despite all the shit I give her, I really like Mia. She is in one of my favorite scenes ever. It involved giving someone “lessons”. (Here's the PG-13 version of the video.)
While I like the theme to Generations and love the way they use it at the end with the three ships, I think the Goldsmith theme works better for the theatrical feel of the Trek movies. I can see why they used a TV composer for the score instead of Goldsmith, but this version seems more fitting and uses both themes for the end credits.
The scene itself always gives me tears because it is the final moment of the TNG bridge and sets for good. They actually burned and set fire to the sets as they filmed the Enterprise’s final moments. The burned and hollowed-out look of the Enterprise was real. The production team tore down the sets for good after this scene. While All Things Good was the ending to TNG, Generations was the finale to the TNG feel and look.
Oh, this hasn’t aged well. I didn’t want to do another post so quickly to the last one, but damn someone dug up her speech at XOXO. Some of her allies have now turned into bullies. It would be neat to let 2019 NC look at 2021 NC. Here’s a notion; Take a break from social media. Wrote another novel. Take up basket weaving.
Somewhere, MovieBob and Quinton Reviews are laughing.
I honestly didn’t think I’d see the day that Lindsey Ellis, the nerd/white knight slayer, get canceled. Because I don’t use Twitter or not in my 20s, I really don’t get why she was canceled. Here’s the tweet that did her in.
Maybe I am too old for this shit, but why was she attacked for this tweet? Far be it from me to defend her because she has done some shitty things in the past, but this isn’t the reason to cancel her, peeps. How is comparing Raya to Avatar considered racist? What Lindsey basically did was pull an Anita Sarkeesian and tried to put two things into a simple genre.
Before her morph into an Anita clone, she was someone I actually enjoyed watching and listening to. She had a middle-of-the-road take on pop culture. She took in criticism and made good points. However, Anita changed her, and she changed into a hybrid of a “Wine Aunt” and SJW-lite. I do find it amusing that she was “bullied” off Twitter by her own “woke” army that she sicked on MovieBob and QR.
Why didn’t they cancel her for her Mara Wilson thing or that Rape Rap song from years ago? What about that arrests?
Anyway, this should be a wake-up call to Lindsey and get her to focus back on working on her content, books, and video essays. How many times can I say to stay away from Twitter when it is not your job? It won’t help you. Lindsey, you've seen what Twitter has done to Spoony, right?
Side Note: They’re trying to flag down her YT channel too. Don’t do it, folks.
For some reason, I find Russ to be an interesting cat. It also seems he sent me a subtle shoutout a few months back. So, I know I am on his radar. While I think he can be a dangerous person, I still think he can "git good" and turn "baby face".
For shits and giggles, I decided to look at Mr. Rusty’s professional music page. Given I haven’t changed my blog in ten years, it is all fine and dandy. I checked out his “about me” page, and something really bothered me about it.
Here it is. ((Afterall, it's not what you know -- it's WHO you know. ))
He put this flawed and misguided statement in his Taylor Swift song as well. Given the music distribution model today, it would be easier for you to network with other artists on your level.
There is a reason you still hear about Prince or Michael Jackson after their deaths. That is because of their talents. It is not about WHO you know, Russ. It is about talent, busting your ass, and creating more and more content. Honestly, I think you would grow as an artist if you’d stop DM/bothering women on social media, and you worked on your music. If this is important to you, make it important and work on reshaping your image and becoming a better writer.
With your current legal troubles and silly lawsuits, this chip on your shoulder is going to hold you back.
Side Note: As much as I shit on Russ, his music is still way better than Stephen (Thought Crimes) GC.
I can see both sides of the argument. Given that we still don’t have a full confirmation, I can see why some believe this is a hoax to get people to forget about him. And, Maurice has worked in other countries as a “medical expert”. This would give him proper power to distance himself from his TCAP past.
However, he has not registered with his RSO since his birthday. This is a good indicator that COVID-19 killed him. He was right at 63 years old and that’s in the death spot of the beer virus. I’ve seen what Covid-19 does to people around his age. It really f’s them up. I’ve lost family members to it. Given he looks like a slightly better crackhead with his skinny body, the virus could have “Order 66-ed” him.
If he is not dead, Wolin is now violating the law. I'm leaning toward the dead theory, but I wouldn't put his arrogance past him to do this long-troll-con.
Can we please stop with the “car warranty scam calls? I get them every day at the same time. After hanging up, you would think they’d take me off their sucker list. They’re even sending fake mail too. Next time they call, I will probably yell at the live agent on the line. This has got to stop. Then, again, they almost suckered my mother with an "energy bill" scam.
So, Milo isn’t gay anymore...wait second. Wasn’t that a part of his conservative identity? Wouldn’t the mere thought of “getting up in there” of a woman be disgusting to him? Once you go man-thang you can’t go tang. Am I right? That is a big leap. I remember back in the day when he had energy and wit, if somewhat misguided, now he is pulling some of the lamest stunts ever to stay on people’s minds. You really can’t change what you like. If you like dicks, enjoy dicks. Who cares what kind of adult person you are attracted to?
Yet, Milo is falling into a conservative trap, or is he trolling us?
Yep, perfectly straight. Throwing on a Ford trucker hat just makes you a fan of 2005.
Given her shady past with her creepy-ass father, why was she a mod on Reddit? Given she was a member of numerous political parties, she had no business being in the admin position on political Reddit locations. There was a lot of censorship and people getting banned for mentioning or posting stories about her.
The thing about her father is sickening, and you would think she would have nothing to do with the monster...but...
While this does have shades of 2014, it seems everyone from the Trans, left and right communities hate this Challenor person. I really hate the fact she tried to hide the really terrible things from her past and attempted to get her father to work on her failed political campaigns.
Instead of sending her a “gift package”, Reddit did the right thing and fired her. If she created her own Reddit, she could suppress anything she wanted, but this causes so many ethical issues given she was a political figure. I've got to say Reddit as a whole handled it pretty well.
My question is; how did Reddit even find her? Aren't there other Trans men and women more deserving of a job than this person?
Info sometimes comes out about people that make sense from the past.
This explains why Leanna had such a hardcore stance against college and studying. This sort of explains why she acted like a middle school brat toward DSP’s fans. Allegedly, she dropped out of high school and started dating DSP. She sat around DSP’s house not bothering to get a job or going to college. When she was forced to go to a real job, she changed and became a more mature adult. That was when they broke up. While I still don’t like her, she is a better person away from the pigroach.
DSP really likes taking in the damaged women. As people have stated, does any stable and smart woman want to live and date DSP? I still won’t call him a groomer, but things aren’t looking good for him.
I remember seeing photos from the deleted scenes way back in 1988 in old Starlog issues. They mentioned there was a deleted birthday party for Wesley Crusher in the episode Coming of Age. From Trek Core, it looks like Paramount redid the VO for Wesley’s mom to tell him to show up to the Transporter Room instead of the Forward Lounge. This “forward lounge” was on deck 24. I guess this was the precursor for Ten-Forward. These photos are from Trek Core where you can read the entire scene.
It is an interesting take on the family aspects of TNG. I think it would have colored the first season a little better and given a more warm welcome to Wesley. It should be noted that the crew is giving Wes an early birthday.
And, I love Worf’s response to birthdays, and it a bit of foreshadowing.
Klingons are born, live as warriors, and die.))
The scene would have added some much-needed character moments to the first season. I guess they didn’t have time to fit it all in one hour. Given that shows can run longer than the time slot, this scene would have been added today. I would dig this out of storage and add it back in for Paramount Plus.
Perhaps, someone could ask Wil Wheaton about this scene when he is not busy complaining and whining on Twitter. Damn, he was so much cooler before Twitter.
If you can remember, GC found himself in a bit of trouble with a TCAP sting. He was the old fart that brought a mix/demo CD of his “music”. Instead of taking responsibility for his misdeeds, he’s gone after anyone talking about him and even sent copyright strikes against channels. When that doesn’t work, he sends out false flags on channels. The man is very active around the internet defending his honor in a strange self-white-knighting.
Look here, you’re butthurt, but this is the internet. If you wanted to put this moment in the past, then you probably shouldn’t have written a song about your arrest. GC, “You can't get a cab without God”.
The thing about DSP’s wife is she and her sister went through some serious shit. It is also one of the reasons why no one from her family showed up to her “wedding”. I am not going to get into it, but it was some awful things. Her sister is so f’ed up that she is living from house to house (to abandoned houses). DSP’s wife has some other mental issues with some courts getting involved too. The thing is that I think it isn’t good to be married to a man emotionally disconnected and withdrawn from the world. And, I am surprised they are married. DSP is so toxic that it makes sense that she turned to him.
Holy crap that is a scary video. Watch the way he walks with purpose as he follows her.
This happened in Vancouver, and it creeps me out. A woman was walking around the city and noticed a creepy guy following her...for nearly 40 minutes. She was able to record him on the “humble” and kept her distance from the stalker/follower. She did the right thing by sitting with the skateboarders. I like how that one kid chases him away, but you will notice the creepy guy almost pulls something out as the kid approaches him.
It gets downright scary because this guy was clearly going to attack her. He wore non-descriptive clothes and clearly has items in his pockets and carried a man-purse. He’s been following other women around too. Now, a “person of interest” has been arrested by the police. Now, the person they arrested assaulted a different woman in the same city. So, things are looking like they’re connected. Check out more info here. While there is a longer video, I refuse to sign in to my FB account to watch it.
You would think these shitty developers would learn from these false copyright strikes. These are strikes and not all claims which means this butt-hurt developer is trying to take down Jim’s channel. While Jim and I don’t see eye to eye on many things, it is getting old that these shitty developers are trying to destroy someone that reviewed their work.
So, Jim attacked your shitty game, get over it or get better. The good news is YT has brought Jim’s channel back. If I were Jim, I’d sue the fuck out of the devs if they keep trying to bring down the channel. We’ve been through this before. And, Jim’s work has always been fair use in a review sort of way. What is even more frustrating is that these shitty developers don’t go after big gaming sites or their channels.
I’ve been getting into old HBO shows lately, and The Sopranos one of them. There are so many great moments. This moment happens and Paulie And Christopher nearly come to blows until the waiter oversteps his bounds. It is terrible to see a civilian getting killed, but the waiter should have known these were made guys.
Here’s the scene before the one above. Because Chris has to pay for dinner, Paulie hikes up the bill on purpose to troll Chris. And, he brags about it.
I sweat scammers are going crazy. I just got two calls from scammers wanting to scam me. One was an Apple call about account problems. The problem is that I don’t have an Apple account. And, Apple doesn’t call you to confirm things. I also get calls about car warranties, which is another scam.
For e-mail, I got a fake PayPal e-mail claiming my account was “limited” due to suspicious activity. I knew it was fake and a phishing scam, but I noticed you can’t search the words on the e-mail when highlighted. That way you can search to find out it is a scam. The other thing is the e-mail name is someone else with the PayPal name over it. Nice try, mamanabdulrahman.
As I stated above, it is very low that they’re trying to keep you from Google searching the e-mail. Anyway, if you get this e-mail, don't go to the links. Go directly to the PayPal account check. Plus, the fake PayPal e-mails have the real name of the account user in the e-mail name.
This is probably one of the best takedowns by a judge over a stupid lawsuit. If you can remember, Greer sued Ariana Grande over some total bullshit. Over the years, Greer would threaten to sue other famous people. The judge rips into Russ over his threatening comments on social media and gets into his tardiness. What is interesting is Russ would later get into some serious legal trouble with his “alleged” harassment of a woman. In my opinion, Russ has some serious issues with women and good-looking men.
As I stated before, his family needs to intervene in his life and get him some help.
Side note: Despite all this, he still bothers women online. The judge tries to be nice to him and teaches him how to use the law.
I was a stutter in grade school and had to learn how to speak through speech classes. I can understand the frustration. However, I find this scene very funny. Adam Sandler is actually using a 1940s manner of speech when teasing the kind. This scene has launched a 1K references and memes. This scene also sold me on Sandler more than his SNL skits.
It is so odd to know that people fell for this conman and were willing to put their lives on the line for disinformation. Baranyi is that kid you would work with those slightly far-right views, but most wouldn’t think of a threat. Keep in mind he was the second guy trying to get into the door where Ashli Babbitt was shot dead in the neck. What exactly were you going to do when you breached the door, Baranyi?
Hey, you’re in your 20s. How about try getting laid instead of following angry boomers around a federal building? Even at my most political, I wouldn’t find “storming the castle” that appealing.
You also have to love that this guy has an interview after breaking the law, thus giving more info to the FBI and the Feds for court. Real smooth, dude. When you do a crime, you’re supposed to shut the F up.
Anyway, if you want to hear about his messed-up childhood and life, check it out here. I always like reading where these people come from.
Okay, I'm going to go back to watching the world burn.
Well, this is interesting. Jason, an Attorney General of South Dakota, was driving home when he hit a pedestrian late at night. Now, there are so many strange things that happened after that. Was he drunk? Did he get distracted by checking his phone? He claims he thought he hit a deer despite the fact that the victim’s head went through the front window. The victim’s glasses actually ended up in Jason’s car.
Now, I’ve had police officers give me a free ride here and there in tough situations. However, I think he got into his phone and hit this guy. And, it does help him that Jason was the one that found the victim’s body himself.
I think he will get away with this and the story will be buried. I think Beover family needs to mount a lawsuit if Jason gets off. Despite it having nothing to do with his current problems, I find it funny that he supported Trump back on Fox in July. I've got to love it.
I was explaining the Rebecca Black Friday song to someone and a strange thing happened. YT suggested an Alison Gold video. She worked with the creepy Patrice Wilson and Ark Music Factory for four music videos.
Her last video...
I did some digging and came across her last music video. It is one of the most disturbing and disgusting things I’ve seen since the Cuties trailer. There is no need for this video to exist. She’s a little girl, Patrice. Why didn’t her parents put a stop to this? And, it probably is the reason this was her last collab with Patrice. Alison Gold is now 18 and hopefully living a normal life away from shitty music and people like Patrice. What is she up to now?
I refuse to embed this video on my blog and I don’t want to get a visit from the FBI or Chris Hansen. You can watch in horror here.
Robert Benjamin Nelson...hmm. You know you are bad news when your full name is a combo of first names. These are usually the guys that “back the blue” but are quick to do violence against law enforcement when they come for them.
This lady officer was shot as she walked up to a regular traffic stop. She was probably just going to issues this c’sucker a warning, and he set up a trap for her. Trooper Sharron took some gunshots in the hands and kept her pursuit. She took a few shots in the vest too. You can see the blood on her hands in the video. That is truly amazing. If I get a bad stump on the toe, I am out of commission.
Things get even more strange.
Robert Benjamin Nelson, the shooter, ended up getting arrested. He had a gun and a cat in the car. Why did he have his pet cat in the car? Oh, and his parents showed up at the scene. At the time of the arrest, Robby didn’t give a reason for the attack.
This was how the "Now We Are Free" track was supposed to sound.
When Hans and Lisa originally wrote the score for Gladiator, they wrote and performed a different end title track feel. It is the same name as the one used in the end credits, but there are some major differences.
Lisa Gerrard sings the song in a lower tone and rolls certain words. I think there is more passion in this version of her singing than the other one. This version has more African drums, strings, and chants.
This version of the track is more of a celebration and not a sober take on a man's death. I prefer this version.
I am 95% certain that is composer Lebo M. in the last two minutes. Lebo does the lead in the Call and Response in most of the tracks. You can hear his distinct voice The Lion King, Congo, and Tears of the Sun. However, he’s not listened in the credits. He’s worked with Zimmer for a long time on other tracks. Why is he not listed?
By the way, this track is over 20 years old.
Take a listen for Lebo M. in Tears of the Sun. It's clearly him in the above track.
When your wife pleads with you to get off the damn video game, you should do it. The fact that he treats her with such disrespect and disconnect shows that they are in a loveless marriage. Wings clearly married her because of pressure from his grandmother and probably to mimic DSP. Clearly, this is an unhealthy relationship, and it will only get worse as time goes by.
One of the reasons I won’t get married is because I don’t have the capacity to feel certain emotions or be empathic toward people. Like Wings, I come across as distant and disinterested in people. Wings has this problem too and probably made the mistake of marrying her. If he is not willing to fix the problems in his life, she will divorce him.