Monday, March 22, 2021

Don’t go chasing Thought Crimes...


Hey, he’s “Jealous of Love”, but “Letters Tell” you “Want to be Loved”.  Hey she’ll “Always be Young” and you just needed some “Liquid Kansas” to reach “Paradise” with the decoy.   I am sure the jail/prison cell “Feels Like Home

Just so he doesn’t flag this post down, like a boomer Mundane Matt, don’t harass or leave mean comments on the video.  Just observe and laugh.

For shits and giggles, you MUST read the comments under GC’s masterpiece “Thought Crimes”.  I beg of you.  While he monitors the comments on his music, people will slyly leave TCAP memes in the comment section of all his songs.

If you can remember, GC found himself in a bit of trouble with a TCAP sting.  He was the old fart that brought a mix/demo CD of his “music”.  Instead of taking responsibility for his misdeeds, he’s gone after anyone talking about him and even sent copyright strikes against channels.  When that doesn’t work, he sends out false flags on channels.  The man is very active around the internet defending his honor in a strange self-white-knighting.  

Look here, you’re butthurt, but this is the internet.  If you wanted to put this moment in the past, then you probably shouldn’t have written a song about your arrest.  GC, “You can't get a cab without God”. 

Setting aside the shitty Thought Crimes song, what do I think of his music? Given my musical background, his body of work is a very-very boomer style of music. And, I am using the boomer term as actual post-WWII generational music. So, it doesn't work for me. Too white, too corny.

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