Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Star Trek: Generations | RESCORE | Jerry Goldsmith Theme

While I like the theme to Generations and love the way they use it at the end with the three ships, I think the Goldsmith theme works better for the theatrical feel of the Trek movies.  I can see why they used a TV composer for the score instead of Goldsmith, but this version seems more fitting and uses both themes for the end credits.  

The scene itself always gives me tears because it is the final moment of the TNG bridge and sets for good.  They actually burned and set fire to the sets as they filmed the Enterprise’s final moments.  The burned and hollowed-out look of the Enterprise was real.  The production team tore down the sets for good after this scene.  While All Things Good was the ending to TNG, Generations was the finale to the TNG feel and look.  

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