Monday, March 08, 2021

WingsOfRedemption Ignores His Wife and acts like an a-hole...

Wings being a total dick to his wife…

At the same time, that was awkward and mean.  

When your wife pleads with you to get off the damn video game, you should do it.  The fact that he treats her with such disrespect and disconnect shows that they are in a loveless marriage.  Wings clearly married her because of pressure from his grandmother and probably to mimic DSP.  Clearly, this is an unhealthy relationship, and it will only get worse as time goes by.  

One of the reasons I won’t get married is because I don’t have the capacity to feel certain emotions or be empathic toward people.  Like Wings, I come across as distant and disinterested in people.  Wings has this problem too and probably made the mistake of marrying her.  If he is not willing to fix the problems in his life, she will divorce him. 

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