Sunday, March 14, 2021

Russell: That Olde feeling...

This is probably one of the best takedowns by a judge over a stupid lawsuit.  If you can remember, Greer sued Ariana Grande over some total bullshit.  Over the years, Greer would threaten to sue other famous people.  The judge rips into Russ over his threatening comments on social media and gets into his tardiness.  What is interesting is Russ would later get into some serious legal trouble with his “alleged” harassment of a woman.  In my opinion, Russ has some serious issues with women and good-looking men.

As I stated before, his family needs to intervene in his life and get him some help.    

Side note: Despite all this, he still bothers women online.  The judge tries to be nice to him and teaches him how to use the law.  

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