Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Alison Gold: Shush Up


I was explaining the Rebecca Black Friday song to someone and a strange thing happened.  YT suggested an Alison Gold video.  She worked with the creepy Patrice Wilson and Ark Music Factory for four music videos.  

Her last video...

I did some digging and came across her last music video.  It is one of the most disturbing and disgusting things I’ve seen since the Cuties trailer.  There is no need for this video to exist.  She’s a little girl, Patrice.  Why didn’t her parents put a stop to this?  And, it probably is the reason this was her last collab with Patrice. Alison Gold is now 18 and hopefully living a normal life away from shitty music and people like Patrice. What is she up to now?

I refuse to embed this video on my blog and I don’t want to get a visit from the FBI or Chris Hansen.  You can watch in horror here

F' you, Patrice.

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