Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Full Lapel footage: Officer Gets Shot and Does Not Quit to Apprehend Sus...

Robert Benjamin Nelson...hmm.  You know you are bad news when your full name is a combo of first names.  These are usually the guys that “back the blue”  but are quick to do violence against law enforcement when they come for them.  

This lady officer was shot as she walked up to a regular traffic stop.  She was probably just going to issues this c’sucker a warning, and he set up a trap for her.  Trooper Sharron took some gunshots in the hands and kept her pursuit.  She took a few shots in the vest too.  You can see the blood on her hands in the video.  That is truly amazing.  If I get a bad stump on the toe, I am out of commission.  

Things get even more strange.  

Robert Benjamin Nelson, the shooter, ended up getting arrested.  He had a gun and a cat in the car.  Why did he have his pet cat in the car?  Oh, and his parents showed up at the scene.  At the time of the arrest, Robby didn’t give a reason for the attack.  

Why did his father show up only minutes later?  

Why did Robby shoot her?  

Why did he have a cat in the truck? 

Why does Robert have a butt in the front?  

This Robert fella is such a loser.  


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