Random Things
~Newsflash: Valentine sucks for single people like me. We’re always reminded that we’re single on this stupid holiday. How about a day for single people? I’m not sure what to name it though. Anyway, screw Cupid.
~Please, Hollywood, don't give the Octuplets Mom a reality show. Learn from The Learning Channel and not even consider making a show around her. This woman, Nadya Suleman, is crazy and should have her litter taken away from her. Really, what's up with the bad Angelina Jolie face lift? Did a bee sting her on her lips? Take her 14 kids away and let her 15 minutes of 'fame' run out.
~MC Hammer is getting a reality show, hopfully without the Oct-Mom. Do we need MC Hammer back on TV? Do you remember the last time he was on TV? The show was called Hammerman and it was a poorly drawn cartoon. Nothing good will come of this.
~More info in the Casey Anthony case: The items from the woods where the body was found came from the mother's house. Can we throw the book at her now?
~I never thought I'd say this, but Pat Robertson is right! He's gone on record and denounced Rush Limbaugh's statement about wanting President Obama to fail. For once, I'm giving Pat Robertson points. I didn't know he had it in him.
(("That was a terrible thing to say," Robertson responded. "I mean, he's the president of all the country. If he succeeds, the country succeeds. And if he doesn't, it hurts us all. Anybody who would pull against our president is not exactly thinking rationally." ))
~Yes, Joe Rogan is right: Kellogs has been making millions off of stoners across the world, and now they get all high and mighty with dropping Phelps. BTW, he's right, Eggo Waffles are the best!
Hammer was on The Surreal Life... he survived Corey Feldman, so he could likely survive anything else the reality tv world can throw out there.
I totally forgot about surreal life, and the dreaded Corey Feldman.
Corey Feldman was unreal in License to Drive. Or was that Corey Haim?
lol, sometimes it was hard to tell them apart, it got even stranger when they starred in the same movie.
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