Crystal Head Vodka? (Product page)
I discovered this little gem through a Forces of Geeks post. And, I clicked on it and I couldn't believe my eyes and ears.
Yes, there is a brand vodka being sold in a shape of a human crystal skull.
So, who is behind this strange brand? Non other than Dan Aykroyd! Yes, the former Blues Brother man himself. He seems to be serious about this crap too. He's actually going around selling this strange bottles.
((When this website first went live on the internet, most people thought it was a spoof. Dan Aykroyd selling vodka out of a crystal head for $50? Sounds like a sketch from SNL, but it's totally legit. Aykroyd is hocking the very potent spirit via crystalheadvodka, which features videos of the multi-talented actor talking about the mystical power of the crystal heads (he does not use the word 'skull' because I think it is licensed by a certain set of adventure movies). ))
What's next Conheads lunches? Blues Brother underwear?
You have to see the video to believe it. Since Dan does believe in this sort of thing, I'm guessing he believes in this product and he is not doing it as goof. I'd like to see his Ghost-buster character selling this thing too as a gag.
Here are some videos:
Aykroyd explains the magic of the Skulls!
Uh, that “I'm a PC” guy drinks some Vodka.
This guy explains why we should all by a 50 dollar vodka in a shape of a skull. “It's a skull. How cool is that? It's a F'ing Skull!”

This looks interesting, I have never seen like this in real life.
Yeah, but it kind of creeps me out. I'm not sure I want to drink out of a haunted skull.
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