Don't Copy that Floppy, yo!
Make sure you watch this video.
Man, that was unbelievably terrible. It makes me want to go out and copy that foppy.
The Wiki page has even more info on this masterpiece.
I just love how these actors are playing the “game” by punching random keys furiously, as if that’s the way to play a VG. (Unless you’re playing certain characters in the Tekken series) Like the Grill Skills video, someone thought it would be a good idea to create a rap song to talk to the youth of the day.
What get is a cross between Fresh Prince and MC Hammer.
It would appear the two teenagers are cutting class and playing videogames in a computer lab, a Mac lab at that. Before RIAA started suing dead people and all the world, the Software Publishers Association made this video to convince people into not copying floppy diskettes from videogames.
They do this by having a black man, with large amounts of eyeliner, rap to the kids about not copying that disk. Somehow this Fresh Prince reject has found himself stuck in the Apple Computer. I personally think he's a virus that just infected the entire school network once they inserted the disk.
And about those two teenagers...Something tells me if a dude was hanging out with nice-looking chick like this, he ain't going to be just playing video games with her.
Jenny (Marja Allen) seems to be stuck in the 80s, the video was made in the early 90s, because she wears huge shoulder pads. I can’t find nothing on the actress named Marja Allen.


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