Congratulations, Eddie Murphy, you’ve made a movie that’s worst than even The Adventures of Pluto Nash. I don’t know how you did it, but you did.
Murphy plays three different roles in the movie, but none of them are remotely funny. The main one is Norbit, a nerdy character who has married a super bully and extremely fat Rasputia (played by Murphy too).
Rasputia is a horrible character. She has no redeeming qualities. She runs over dogs and cheats on her husband. She’s just disgusting to look at and Eddie Murphy isn’t interested in making her complex in any way. This is the same Murphy they did a wonderful job in Dreamgirls. What the hell happened?
There is not a single good thing in this movie worth mentioning. When you combine the shitty powers of Cuba Gooding Jr., Marlon Wayans and Eddie Griffin, you get an aimless mess of a movie with these three bad actors. I’m all for crude humor, but this movie is just dreadful. It feels like a child wrote the script and an15-year directed it. I mean you won’t even care about the main plot. I’m not even sure there is a plot, because the story goes everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
Listen, I like fat jokes and bathroom humor, but this movie is too mean for its own good. Sure we’ve met people like Rasputia, but do we need an entire movie devoted to her? Stop making these movies, Eddie. Just stop.
Don’t watch this movie. You will regret it.
Grade: F-
Yeah, it was terrible. Why do they make films like this?
I think part of the problem was Eddie’s ego got the best of him and he needed someone else to take a pass on the script. There is a good movie buried in this mess, it was just that Eddie overshadowed the entire project. He did this movie and Dreamgirls at the same time. There is no reason for him to do this mess.
I think studio thought they were getting another Nutty Professor type movie.
eddie murphy has really gone down the drain. i miss the days of delirious et al...
he started getting ridiculous around nutty professor. i mean, it wasnt bad enough that you had one eddie murphy starring in a movie; no... you had to have 5...
agreed, he's lost his edge and decided to make some more family films after many of his more edgier movies flopped.
Someone needs to force eddie to watch all his old movies from Bel Hills Cop to Coming to America. and say, "see that was who you were like. We'd like to see more of these movies."
You shouldn't bring up Coming to America... because how many people was he in that movie again?
Yeah, he was three characters in that movie. The positive thing about that though is the other characters he played were very minor roles and had nothing to do with the plot.
Plus, you can't go wrong with a movie that has cameos from the main villains from Trading Places.
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