(Since Blayde will be reviewing a few of the first two seasons of TNG, I figured I’d throw out a few first season reviews as well. Moreover, this gives me practice for my Feature Magazine Writing class.)
Given the trouble the first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation had, It is surprisingly that there were a few good episodes. Datalore was one of those surprises. The story involves the
Datalore is one of those episodes that end up being better on repeated viewing. While the direction and acting is good, some flaws plagued many of the first season stories are present here. The biggest flaw is the Wesley Crusher angle. For some foolish reason, the writers felt the need to shoehorn Wesley Crusher into an already dense story. He just comes across as a tool and hurts the story. There are some great things to love about this story.
Brent Spiner is wonderful as both Data and Lore. Their interaction is entertaining. The split screen work come a long way from the Original series days. The Crystalline Entity is a nice idea, and the writes will further explore it later in the series. Sure, the Special Effects are not the best, but you have to remember that this episode was made in the 80s.
The other concept that will be further expanded on is the conflict between Data and Lore. It will carry over throughout the entire run of the series and have lasting effects on the movie series.
This episode doesn’t have the emotional heart of the later Data/Lore episodes, but it still a fun little episode with a few problems.
Grade: B-
omg, i almost forgot, it's sitting in my drafts box unifnished, need to get writing.
im distracted atm cos im in the process of getting a zune from the States, and since im a bit sick :(
Looking forward to your write up on the Zune as well. I probably wont get one, but I'd be nice to hear some things about it
I would have to say Lore was played better in later episodes.
I wonder if someone touched the crystaline entity with their tongue if it would get frozen to it...
Yeah, Lore became a more rounded character after his first appearance. I still can't believe he was outsmarted by a teenager. What were they thinking?
crystalline entity: lol, I'd love to see that episode!
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