Thursday, January 19, 2023

Anita Sarkeesian 4.0

Uh, Anita, it isn’t 2014 any longer.  Your tricks for generating heat, so you can support your grifting aren’t going to work today.  The Internet, fandom, and pop culture are simply too different.  You can’t rekindle GamerGate again.  Well, she kind of abandoned her channel, and she has a new show on Nebula.  

It is 2023, I find it so strange that she doesn’t even get attention from the big guys anymore or any heat from her detractors.  Her biggest allies have canceled themselves, Quinn, or have gotten into trouble.  Since GG, her influence has faded and no one cares.  It is amusing to see because she divided many communities in her heyday.  Her YouTube channel, which caused people to hate each other, now only gets 800 to 2K views on their videos, despite barely uploading now.  

I work with a lot of young people, and they have no idea what GamerGate is and don’t care.  It pretty much sums up both sides of the controversy, and there were terrible people on both sides.  It is about pop culture and video games, discussing and debating, that’s what we should do.  

The best thing to do is to just ignore it like everyone else has. She thrives on Internet drama.

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