The People Vs. George Lucas
Yep, this appears real. Some fanboys are going to make a documentary about their complaints about the franchise. I really do like the idea, because someone needs to tell Lucas he has some problems with his writing style.
Here's the site: I will certainly watch it, but something tells me that Lucas will do everything in his power to shut down this project. He doesn't take criticisms very well.
The focus will be on the new trilogy and the Special Editions (I still support the SE movies)
I just hope they keep it balanced and not have it turn into a fanboy rant. All we need is a bunch of Harry Knowles bitching. However, I’d love hear how the fans would have made the films better, not just a bitching session.
Let it be known, I think he did a few things right with the new trilogy, actually some things were better directed and written than most of “Return of the Jedi”. But, Locus didn’t need to direct the newer films. He just doesn’t have the chops for it anymore. He should have let some younger directors get a shot at making the films. Plus, there have been a few more re-writes by different writers on the script.
i had very few problems with the SE stars wars trilogy. first its jaba in new hope "GAY", and Han shoot FIRST also in new hope. the new trilogy i could of done without Jar Jar. i think the only huge problem i have are no new MOVIES!!
Yeah, those were some of the problems I had too, but nothing can compare to Jar-Jar.
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