Growing up, Alley was a Methodist. At some point in her adult life Xenu beamed her up to the mother ship. However, I’m not certain exactly when she became a Scientologist. I just know the result is a mess. She ballooned up to 200-230 lbs and I am certain a lot of that didn’t have to do with her just eating a lot.
Something tells me she got involved with the cult around her Look Who's Talking days. Remember, her fellow co-star was John Travolta. Then again, doing a movie about talking babies could drive any person mad.
I’m guessing Mr. Travolta introduced her or at least help her reach a higher level in the cult.
Why is her hair always a mess? How does it look like she just jumped out of a window? And, she has that crazy look on her face. While I am always the one that says I like a lady with a bit of junk-in-the-trunk, this is a bit much. It’s like getting a U-haul truck that is three times over the size of the one you needed for the job.
Anyway, what has she done worthwhile in the acting department?
Or was it the talking animals in Look who's Talking Now?
This scene was filmed and edited two different ways. The theater version only plays the interaction between the two as somewhat playful and a little stiff. The ABC broadcast version is a bit more flirtatious. Nick Myers went with the less steamy version in his director's cut.
She was addicted to drugs in 1979, and she attended Narconon(a Scientology front) meetings and ended up in the group ever since.
okay, so that's where she got her start, which also explains why she took home her Vulcan ears (she wore them in public) home every night. It must of reminded her of Xenu (Joking)
I'll have to look into this Narconon angle
Basically what they do is they do is they look at a 12 step program(like Narcotics Anonymous or NarcAnon) and make an organization which sounds almost the same(like NarcOnon) so they can get people funneled in at the bottom level of the cult.
Man, so that way they can get money out of them for helping them with their problems. And trying to recruit them into their group.
Man, that's low real low.
Oh, it gets worse than that. Read this
wow, that's even lower. I can't believe they used 9/11 to get more profit from folks. that's just sick.
I think people overlook these guys because of their beliefs, but they're far more dangerous.
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