Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Donna Adelson, court appearance

There comes a point in your life when you have to give it up.  Donna is a woman who is only interested in keeping her family together.  However, it was because of her actions behind the murder of Dan Markel that her family is scattered across the US.  All this to keep her daughter in Miami.   

She has one son who will never talk to her again.  She has another son who will spend the rest of his life in prison.  Her daughter ran to Austin, Texas, to never speak to her again.  The children, she conspired with her son to get forever, will never see her again.  She has destroyed her family and will not take responsibility for it.  

Keep in mind, that it took her only a week to attempt to run away from the US to Vietnam with a one-way ticket.  Of course, she got caught at the airport.  She has spent the last year and a few months in jail.  Now, she is doing everything to escape jail and await her trial.  While she might get out, a 20% chance.  It is not likely because it is Florida.  

Now, she is double-downing on her son’s extortion lie. 

Was it worth it, Donna? Was it worth ruining everyone's lives to gain access to your grandkids? 

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