Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Darell brooks BIDNESS rap song is crap

He’s not only a failed junkie, lawyer, and predator but also a failed rapper.  I swear Darrell is a meme-maker and blogger’s dream.  Everything he touches turns to shit.  

Darrell Brooks’ rap career is just as bad as his lawyer career.  He leans toward modern rap, which I hate.  Basically, you repeat things instead of spitting out verses.  Rap music has devolved into this sad state we see it in today, and Darrell Brooks is just lazily following that trend.  Just keep repeating the same phrase over and over again and put a shit beat behind it with no care.

By the way, this video has 137K views but only 704 likes.  Also, the person that filmed the video had to put a disclaimer in the show notes.  

((Darrell Brooks identified as Waukesha Darrell Edward Brooks, 39, who goes by the alias MathBoi Fly, was detained by cops in Waukesha, Wisconsin, after a red Ford Escape sped through the town and plowed into crowds.

Stop calling me!!! I only shoot this video this guys))

And, you can read the lovely comments below.  

What’s the bidness!

-Is he checking his phone for the lyrics?

-What’s up with the A Pimp Named Slickback hat?  Slickback, that’s what I’m saying

-Yeah, Darrell, count your money as if you’re a big shot, but you posed as a homeless man when you were trying to escape.  

-He’s wearing red as if he’s a Blood.  Aren’t you a sex offender?  I don’t think they let your kind in.  

Monday, November 28, 2022

Darrell Brooks: GROUNDZ

Darrell Brooks is a clown, a deadly clown, but he is a meme-creating fool.  One of my personal favorites from the trial is his “groundz” comment. Every time someone in the court stands up to his delay tactics, he demands the grounds behind the sustains or overrules of an objection. The judge doesn’t have to explain every ruling to you, Darrell.  

The video above is one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a while. 


BTW, someone interviewed the judge in this trial.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Portland security guard kills guy

I am sure these two people were pieces of shit, but that doesn’t mean you have the right to shoot them.  Logan Gimbel is one of these “super” security guards that believes he has police powers and carries live ammo on him. So, he was going around unlicensed to carry a firearm.  That’s very Paul Blart of you.  When things got heated, why not call for PD?   The family of the guy killed is suing the company for 25 million dollars, and it looks like they have a case.  Gimbel is probably going to spend some time in prison.  I would not be surprised if his bosses might see some charges too.

I am all for security when used correctly. It is good to have someone there to chase off the crack and meth heads. This guy went too far, though. Let the guy drive off because you got his plates.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Dick Delaware (Aaron Brink) the father of Club Q shooter. Not sure it makes sense...

I mean, the Internet seems to constantly dig up some strange connections.  Remember that piece of shit that shot up Club Q?  Well, his father is a former pornstar with the stage name Dick Delaware.  Even by pornstar standards, that is a stupid and lame name.  His most “known” movie is Thicker Than Water.  Oh, he is also an MMA fighter that’s won some awards.  Despite his name.  Dick isn’t from Delaware, but from Newport Beach, CA.  Delaware seems like a mundane name for someone that bangs for a living.  Call me Kent Kentucky.  

I’ve seen some pictures, for research, and he looks nothing like his lump of shit son Anderson Lee Aldrich.  Anderson looks like all the genetic material left from building the perfect human.  The stuff you sweep and mop up after a porn shoot.  Andy-Boy is a piece of shit, and I am guessing he gets his bad looks and attitude from his mother.  However, his father is leaning toward being a piece of shit too... His biggest fear was discovering that his son was gay. Uh, you were in porn, surrounded by other penises. Plus, I have seen photos of specific videos with women doing things to you.

Given his father has crossed swords during his shoots, Anderson should not have a problem with the gay clubs.  Anderson is a POS, and so is his mother, and I hope he burns in hell. 

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Katherine Magbanua no longer looks like Mac Tonight (Dan Markel Murder - Case Update)

Look at that smile from Katie Magbanua.  It is like she is about to take a shit on all of the Adelsons involved in Dan Markel's murder.  She’s been transferred to north Florida, and it appears she will be talking next week or sooner about her true involvement in the conspiracy.  I am hoping this makes Charlie Adelson shit his pants and makes a deal with the state.  Given he’s the Jeff Sokol of Florida, I doubt it.  He might just ride this out to a guilty plea.  

I still want to know the story behind her holding out on selling out the Adelson family because they would not have done it for her.  

I have to say that Katie looks healthy.  Likewise, I guess prison food is healthier than jail food.  She longer looks like Mac Tonight.

Lindsay revisited

Lindsay is sort of back on the internet, and she has a new child.  I am shocked by the news.  I always figured she’d remain childless.  

Why does the far-left hate Lindsey so much?  They’re chomping at the bit for her to return to Twitter, so they can cancel her again.  I used to be a big fan of her work back in the CA days because she gave a grounded fangirl/feminist view of pop culture.  She lost me when she went full Anita Sarkissian.  When Anita’s shit started getting old, she moved to the bread tube crowd, and they turned on her.  How does someone with 1.2 million subs get pushed off the internet for nearly a year?  

It seems she burned so many bridges that all of her enemies allied to cancel her.  

I also find it amusing that the same crowd that white knighted Zoe Quinn was very quiet when the breadtubers pushed Linsey off social media.  She lost my respect during the CTC and JewWario drama, but why do the far-left twitter people hate her so much?  

Neck-beards love her, left-tubers hate her, and right-wing commenters mock her.  Somehow, she’s united them all against her.  How is that possible?  

Monday, November 21, 2022

Nicole Westbrook - It's Thanksgiving Revisited

Unlike Christmas, there aren’t a lot of popular Thanksgiving songs out there.  There is a notorious one.  Watching this video in 2022 eyes, some disturbing things are going on.  I have not seen this music video in years. It is just as bad as I remembered ten years ago (2012).  Ten Years.  

Ark Music Factory imploded, and Patrice Wilson has had some issues here and there.  Wilson needs his post.  Nicole Westbrook is an adult now. She is 22 years old.  I would love to know her thoughts on her infamous star power of the 2010s.  Does she regret it?  Is this her locked Instagram? Does she still love Thanksgiving? 

Here is where things get interesting.  IMDB lists her being in some TV show called Painting Autumn.  She played someone named Jade in two episodes.  Guess who else showed up on the show?  Patrice Wilson.  He showed up in the same episodes as Westbrook.  Does Patrice have something to do with this strange show? Is this a Thanksgiving reunion?  

If she wants to do an interview, hit me up in the comments.  

  • This is creepy:  Given that the girl is very young, she’s wearing too much makeup.  I sound like my grandmother now.  

  • Nicole Westbrook lives alone?:  She has Thanksgiving with her peers her age.  Where are her parents?  Were they snapped by Thanos?  

  • So, the only grown person is the Ark Music Factory at this dinner.  This is very strange and creepy, 

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Kanye West now hates old me

Kanye being stupid

I saw this older clip on Reddit, and I laughed.  So, he doesn’t listen to anyone older than him.  I guess that means he no longer listens to Trump.  Kanye has reached critical mass on stupidity.  Kin Kardashian has done a number on him.  I still believe the Kardashian clan sucks (cucks?) the life and talent out of black people.  That's the only way that they are still famous.

I'm going to let you finish.

Go home, Kanye. 

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Gamer Love Dolls (Why? Better yet, how?)

Has Rule #34 gone too far?

I have to thank Whang for pointing this disturbing thing out.  I’ve been on the Internet for a long time, but some things make me cringe.  This is one of them.  Game Lady Dolls is up there as far as creepy things.  Look, I like porn as much as the next man or woman, but having sex with a fictional character is where I draw the line.  

Game Lady Dolls is a (very NSFW) site where you can buy your favorite video game characters as sex dolls.  I am not making this up.  From doing some research, you can buy your character sex doll and pay extra for accessories, outfits, and shoes.  So, you can pretend they’re statues to your friends, but it's really a sex doll to you and your penis.  

I got my kinks, but this is a bridge too far for me.  Would a girlfriend buy one of these things for her BF for Christmas?  

I am not going to lie, the Tifa and the RE dolls are amazing, I just don’t want to bang them, sorry.  And, Game Lady Dolls, I don’t want a sample either.  If you are interested, they have a Yuna, Tifa, Jill Valentine, and of course Tifa models.  I just don’t get it.   

The photo below is the PG and the safe for work photos on the site. There is a lot of nudity on the actual site, though.

Herschel Walker talks about vampires, but why?

What in the actual heck is he talking about?  Look, I know the movie he’s rambling on about.  He is talking about Fright Night, the original and the remake, and it is about a vampire messing with a kid next door.  Both versions are pretty good.  

Why is he telling the story?  In what way does it help his campaign?  Did he suffer a brain injury?  Is he self-trolling? Walker is a black man who behaves like a white actor in blackface.  Walker makes me angry.  

Is The Dan Markel Murder Case: Katie Magbanua might talk to the DA?

It was revealed yesterday by Fanci Fiction that Katie Magbanua has requested to talk to the DA about the case of Dan Markel.  Despite the legacy media now reporting it, it was YouTubers that revealed the story.  Her turning state witness could rip this case wide open.  Katie was found guilty, receiving a life sentence and 60 years on top of that.  She was the middle man in the hit on Dan.  She could get Donna, Charlie, and Harvey Adelson prison time and completely shut down the entire conspiracy.  Furthermore, she is the connection between the thugs and the rich family that wanted to see Dan Markel dead.  

This is epic, and I hope she finally does spill everything she knows about the murder and stops lying.  Give her 20 years with time served.

Sorry, Charlie.

Keep smiling, Douche Bag. You're about to be f'ed.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Stalker Jacob Yerkes Arrested: Stalker calls cop on himself

Given my bad luck with the ladies, I still can’t seem to understand the culture of the Incel.  This guy is a stalker and probably a potential kidnapper in training.  He doesn’t seem to comprehend that following a woman around that runs from you isn’t a good way to impress her.  When you look like a methed-out hobo, she’s not going to want to be around you, and she doesn’t want to hear the song that you wrote for her.  The notion that he called the cops on himself is just insane. That’s like robbing a bank and calling the cops on yourself because the tellers were slow to give you the money.  

When I watched the video, I was getting Russ Greer vibes from him.  Greer wrote a song for Swift and then went after her when she rejected it.    The entitlement from these disgruntled Incels is creepy and dumb.  

The good news is that the police and the FBI have arrested this creepy hobo dude recently.  Please drop the soap, Jake. 

WingsOfRedemption is 410 pounds | Richard has not been exercising | Neve...

Wings of Redemption needs some drastic changes in his life soon, or he is going to die fairly quickly.  He doesn’t leave his piece of shit home and shoves food into his face even as he streams garbage content. This is what happens to content creators that don’t have any interaction.  Boogie is on his way to destroying himself too. 

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Babylon 5: In Memory of Mira Furlan

Sadly, all these actors from the 90s Sci-fi shows are passing away recently.  One of them who ultimately passed me by was the death of  Mira Furlan.  Nerds widely knew her from two series. Lost and Babylon 5.  Her biggest roles were Delenn on B5 and “the French Chick” on Lost.  I think they dropped the ball on the character of Danielle Rousseau on Lost.  They did her wrong by killing her for shock value.  

I only discovered her passing a few minutes ago.  From what I gather, her health was failing for a while, and died from West Nile Virus.  Given so many people her age has died from Covid, I was surprised by this news.  

Anyway, you will be missed, Mira.  Sorry for the lateness.  

Side Note:  A lot of the main cast of B5 have died.  

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Aaron Carter's last tweet


Aaron Carter’s last tweet.  It is only fitting that he wanted to connect to the clown show that is Kanye West.   


Look, we all knew he was on his last leg toward the end of his life.  He was a walking corpse surrounded by enablers.  He had a bad life with all the abuse and mistreatment, but he needed to take steps to help himself.  Likewise, he witnessed Anne Heche's fiery end, so he knew how this would end.  


Remember, he thought he could beat Shaq.  

Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Hit and run from McDonald's in West Sacramento

This woman is crazy.  The kicker is that she had enough room to turn and pull out.  For me, I would have pulled up to let her out to turn down the heat in the situation.  I expected the person in front of the line to get hit, but it was the person behind them. 

Sunday, November 06, 2022

[4K] Dr. Livesey Phonk Walk: Word Up, yo

I discovered this amusing meme because someone did one on the Star Trek TNG crew doing the Dr. Livesey Walk.  To be honest, Livesey is an authentic Chad for sure.  That strut and swagger are too alpha for me.  I love how the Internet can put aside its constant culture war battles to discover something funny.  

The meme started around 2018 with Russian Internet users but reached the rest of the world in 2021.  The clip dates back to an old USSR cartoon from the late 80s, which is funny because the USSR was just starting to crack.  All memes have strange origins.  

Neil Breen's new movie?

For some stupid reason, I watched the entire Neil Breen movie named Fateful Findings.  I can’t believe I got through the entire movie.  It is probably on the same level as The Room, but with God-like powers.  Anyway, I checked out Neil’s YT channel, and he did a new announcement for a new masterpiece.  He filmed the announcement in September and mentions it in the video, but the title has the date of October. You have to love that.  I also got a kick out of him refusing to reveal the title. 

Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Parkland Judge lays the smackdown

This Parkland shooting case is right up there with the Alex Jones and Darrell Brooks trials.  Why are there so many bad actors in court proceedings today?  The defense lawyers for Cruz have acted in strange ways. I didn’t even know about one of the lawyers flipping off someone in court and Cruz laughing about it.  Children and teachers died.  

Anyway, the sparks in the courtroom are almost as crazy as the Brooks trial.  I love that the judge puts the defense lawyer in his place and forces him to go to the “kiddie table”.  Damn, that is a roast.