Thursday, November 24, 2022

Lindsay revisited

Lindsay is sort of back on the internet, and she has a new child.  I am shocked by the news.  I always figured she’d remain childless.  

Why does the far-left hate Lindsey so much?  They’re chomping at the bit for her to return to Twitter, so they can cancel her again.  I used to be a big fan of her work back in the CA days because she gave a grounded fangirl/feminist view of pop culture.  She lost me when she went full Anita Sarkissian.  When Anita’s shit started getting old, she moved to the bread tube crowd, and they turned on her.  How does someone with 1.2 million subs get pushed off the internet for nearly a year?  

It seems she burned so many bridges that all of her enemies allied to cancel her.  

I also find it amusing that the same crowd that white knighted Zoe Quinn was very quiet when the breadtubers pushed Linsey off social media.  She lost my respect during the CTC and JewWario drama, but why do the far-left twitter people hate her so much?  

Neck-beards love her, left-tubers hate her, and right-wing commenters mock her.  Somehow, she’s united them all against her.  How is that possible?  

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