Saturday, November 26, 2022

Portland security guard kills guy

I am sure these two people were pieces of shit, but that doesn’t mean you have the right to shoot them.  Logan Gimbel is one of these “super” security guards that believes he has police powers and carries live ammo on him. So, he was going around unlicensed to carry a firearm.  That’s very Paul Blart of you.  When things got heated, why not call for PD?   The family of the guy killed is suing the company for 25 million dollars, and it looks like they have a case.  Gimbel is probably going to spend some time in prison.  I would not be surprised if his bosses might see some charges too.

I am all for security when used correctly. It is good to have someone there to chase off the crack and meth heads. This guy went too far, though. Let the guy drive off because you got his plates.

Security Officer...right.

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