Friday, November 25, 2022

Dick Delaware (Aaron Brink) the father of Club Q shooter. Not sure it makes sense...

I mean, the Internet seems to constantly dig up some strange connections.  Remember that piece of shit that shot up Club Q?  Well, his father is a former pornstar with the stage name Dick Delaware.  Even by pornstar standards, that is a stupid and lame name.  His most “known” movie is Thicker Than Water.  Oh, he is also an MMA fighter that’s won some awards.  Despite his name.  Dick isn’t from Delaware, but from Newport Beach, CA.  Delaware seems like a mundane name for someone that bangs for a living.  Call me Kent Kentucky.  

I’ve seen some pictures, for research, and he looks nothing like his lump of shit son Anderson Lee Aldrich.  Anderson looks like all the genetic material left from building the perfect human.  The stuff you sweep and mop up after a porn shoot.  Andy-Boy is a piece of shit, and I am guessing he gets his bad looks and attitude from his mother.  However, his father is leaning toward being a piece of shit too... His biggest fear was discovering that his son was gay. Uh, you were in porn, surrounded by other penises. Plus, I have seen photos of specific videos with women doing things to you.

Given his father has crossed swords during his shoots, Anderson should not have a problem with the gay clubs.  Anderson is a POS, and so is his mother, and I hope he burns in hell. 

I guess Dick Delaware likes them lumpy, frumpy, and clumpy in his real life.  Low-hanging fruit, Dick?

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