Saturday, February 19, 2022

Zoe Quinn: Pretty good video on her


I try my best not to talk about Zoe Quinn more than once a month, if that, but a YouTuber named Spooky Weebtrash has done an amazing overview on the controversial Zoe Quinn.  I explained Quinn to a coworker that had never heard of her.  Despite all the bridges she’s burned, and she burned a lot, she still has powerful friends and white knights.  With all the questionable things she’s done, the journos will not talk about her.  

I still find it interesting that Lindsey Ellis got booted from the Internet and no one will speak up or white knight for her, but all hands on deck for Zoe Quinn. While the Zoe Quinn brand has been diminished, she still has power.   Anyway, make sure to check out Spooky Weebtrash’s video.  

Side Note:  The Chuck Tingle videogame still hasn’t been updated since August 2018.  

For shits and giggles, here are a few comments left by backers of her abandoned Kickstarter((William Goswick

22 days ago

Why has there been radio silence for such a long period of time? Please either post an update or offer refunds, because this otherwise has the unfortunate appearance of being a scam at this point… I would be really surprised if Kickstarter allowed this too.))


((C. CooperSuperbacker

5 days ago

At this point I just want closure. An admission of failure. Maybe partial refunds. Something))

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