Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Michael Seibert and his chatlog. I smell a rat...


"i am jack off" as stated by the scholar Micheal Seilbert.

His rat-like appearance and blank expressions make Micheal Seilbert a memorable predator on the show.  However, hearing Baked Salmon read this rat-man’s chatlog.  It is truly disturbing to hear him force the decoy to talk about her underwear and anal sex.  His simple and stupid chats are strange and dangerous.  

Keep in mind that Seilbert was the fool that showed up in two different stings, on two different episodes of TCAP.  All he could say was “Ewps”.  I truly believe that Seilbert would have forced himself onto a real girl, given his chatlog.  Luckily, he would spend 3 ½ years in prison.  After being released, he lives under the watchful eyes of his parents.  Skip Tracer says that he has been in and out of the hospital. 

Can someone throw this rat a piece of cheese or something? 

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