Thursday, February 17, 2022

GarfieldEats | The Unusual Story of Nathen Mazri (So Entergaging!)

I had no idea that this strange theme restaurant, but not really, existed.  The notion of a restaurant revolving around Garfield seems limited.  I used to really love Garfield, but even I can’t see this idea being a long-term thing.  After watching this video, it almost seems like a strange fake meme, but it is completely real.  It appears the restaurant finally died just a few months ago, back at the end of 2021.  

After discovering this, my eyes have been opened.  (Shaka when the walls fell…)

Nathen Mazri, the founder of this insane IP, is something to behold.  He is like the Steven Seagal of bad ideas.  Holy shit, this guy is amazingly cringe-worthy.  Please, check out his farewell video to the company.  It is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.  I honestly can’t tell if Mazri is trolling us all or truly believes his own bullshit.  That’s why I like him.  

Check out his Twitter for more cringe moments



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