Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Casey Anthony revisited

I guess Casey Anthony, the dumb shithead that killed her own daughter just in my opinion, has a new boyfriend.  I’ve been following this stupid bitch from the get-go. Likewise, I saw pictures of Casey posing with this old dude and thought they were dating, but it appears Cheney Mason, not Perry Mason, were dating.  Given that Casey will jump from man to man, you can see why I believed that.  However, I was wrong.  Mason just has Casey living there as protection.  Cheney’s wife died from multiple strokes back in 2021.  It looks like he wasn’t taking a dip in the crazy pool with Casey.  

Look, I like my women crazy, but not dump your body in a swamp crazy.  

Other than banging old men, she is trying to become a private investigator of some sort.  Why would anyone want to hire her?  She also got into a bar fight over an ex-boyfriend. Given it is Casey, it is hard to keep up with her boyfriends.  Hopefully, she never has another child.  

Keep in mind, this mother partied and bar-hopped when her daughter was rotting in a swamp. 

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