Thursday, January 13, 2022

Xplay's Frosk has a MELTDOWN: Was this supposed to be about games?

Yeah, I didn’t know Xplay was still around or even G4.  Then,  I saw the video from Amazing Lucas.  While I don’t agree with AL on everything, he is right on the money about this Frosk person.  This meltdown by Frosk-person is abrasive.  Man, she is angry and this is such a childish attack against her own audience.  What?  While I like hot women, I don’t care if you’re attractive or not.  Just make good content.  People are starving for people to make good content and move away from certain bimbo staring at chats on Twitch.  Olivia Munn and Morgan Webb are hot, but if they have nothing meaningful to say or are not talented, I wouldn’t care.  

Even I understand where Frosk is coming from. I've been told I was unattractive and un-dateable by many women. When I was younger, I was friend-zoned many times. I got the hint, I was not attractive, but to lash out at your viewers seems odd. There are some deep-rooted anger issues under that hood. Get some help.

I am almost wondering if this is a way to light a fuse for a GamerGate 2.0.  When the right and left have a thing to focus on, they will stop attacking and canceling their own.  

Again, I had no idea Xplay was a thing again.  It is going to be about games or the hosts yelling at their viewers? 

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