Thursday, January 20, 2022

Sorry Anti Vaxxer My thoughts

In this crazy world, we still have people dying from covid due to them refusing to get vaxxed.  I’ve had many family members that have died or nearly died from the virus.  Heck, I had it and lost my sense of smell and taste for a month and a half.  I’ve been vaxxed, but I need a booster shot because I was in the hospital recently for some minor work.  Well, there is a site out there that listed all the anti-vax people that have died from the virus.  The sad thing is some of them died refusing to admit they had covid.  As I stated before, I won’t argue with them and let them be.  If you want to die, so be it.  At this point, you have to option to at least help fight the virus.  I’ve nearly died before, so I am okay with dying, but I won’t make it easy on covid if it tries to take me.

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